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School Equipment for children in Himalayan Mountain Villages

Many thanks for your support, which meant we were able to complete the project successfully.
Project SummaryChildren from poor backgrounds in Nepal find it difficult or even impossible to attend school because they lack the money for school supplies such as notebooks. Sambhav Nepal distributes school kits, exercise books, school backpacks, woollen hats and shoes in the mountain villages. This enables the children to go to school and gives them prospects for the future. Help us - provide protection and warmth!


The public schools in Nepal do not have sufficient financial resources to provide the students with a sound education. For example, there is a lack of school materials. In the mountain villages, for example, no exercise books are provided and parents often have no money to buy notebooks for their children - which makes education partly impossible for students. Because if you can't do homework, you can't go to school. And without schooling, no future prospects.
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We want to provide the children with school equipment. So that they can go to school unhindered. And learn freely. In this way, we make future prospects possible. Hope and joy.
If the children have no exercise books, they cannot learn. Missing school backpacks, clothes, shoes and caps make education even more difficult. We give the children a learning impulse as well as necessary protection and warmth.
The effect of this project is constant school attendance. A sound education. Opportunities for the future. Health through school backpack and shoes, no walking barefoot in rough terrain and low temperatures. Warmth through the suit, as harsh winters are normal.
Learn more here: (in German)
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We distribute school kits, exercise books, school backpacks, woolly hats and shoes. Made locally, we support the local economy. Our know-how and direct contact enable sustainable cooperation.
Local authorities and school officials work with us. Sambhav Nepal implements the project locally. We are working towards the state taking over this project.
The total cost for 770 pupils is CHF 27,000.
That is 35.- Swiss Francs per equipment of which 32.- is the material and 3.- for project management and transport.
This is only possible because we can keep the costs for transport in the mountain villages with the best contacts and the costs for project management very low thanks to our dedicated team.
Help us - provide protection and warmth!
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Sambhav Nepal (Switzerland) works to improve living conditions and create future prospects for mountain dwellers in the Himalayas.
Melanie lives in Switzerland and Prem in Nepal. He grew up in a remote village and knows what is important to achieve sustainable change. Together they implement the projects and can look back on a hundred percent success so far.
We enable the mountain dwellers to send their children to school, to have access to health care and to have prospects for the future. They want to stay in their villages and not migrate to the cities. They want to live in harmony with nature. And we help to make this possible!
Our principles are relevance, appropriateness, impact and sustainability. We are always in direct contact and exchange. Involvement of the mountain dwellers. With the aim of promoting their independence.
Pilot Phase + Phase I show the importance of this project. The impact and the learning impulse are huge. Our organisation is anchored locally and can keep the implementation costs very low.
Learn more: Sambhav Nepal Switzerland  (The website is in German)
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6,500 schoolchildren were beaming with joy when they received their school equipment.

With great joy and an infinite number of smiling children, we were able to complete phase II of the "Caring - Giving Warmth" project as planned. Thanks to you - thanks to your generous support!

Thousands of school children are smiling. And it seemed as if half of Gorkha was wearing green and yellow - proud and happy to have their own new uniform and school equipment. With the "Caring - Giving Warmth" project, we are distributing tracksuits, school rucksacks, exercise books, woollen hats, shoes, socks and T-shirts to pupils at remote schools in the Himalayas.

The reach of this relatively inexpensive project (CHF 47 per pupil) is immense. Hard to imagine for us in Switzerland - but receiving a tracksuit means an indescribable amount to a child in Nepal. They receive a school uniform that they don't want to play with so as not to get it dirty. Because this is the uniform they wear to school every day. The tracksuit gives them freedom to play, to change, for leisure and in winter for much-needed warmth (it then serves as a second layer) - it can get very cold in the high-altitude villages.

The same applies to the school backpack. They don't have one and have to carry their exercise books to school in their hands. A journey to school can take up to three hours. Exercise books are also not available. The children have to buy them themselves - which is not possible for many and makes school attendance impossible. And many children have no shoes or hats. Hence our "Caring - Giving Warmth" set.

The reactions from everywhere are touching. Every Nepali knows what this means for the children ...

You can find more about the report here: Sorge tragen - Wärme schenken • Sambhav Nepal

Tabea Berz 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Aurelia Ehrensperger 100,00 CHF
ABiomatik 37,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 12'075,00 CHF
Gina von Ow 50,00 CHF
Ingrid Göckenjan 100,00 CHF
Barbara Steinmann 100,00 CHF
Lilian Kellenberger 250,00 CHF
Adrian Anderhirsern 105,00 CHF
Annelies Litschi 50,00 CHF
Othmar Schwank 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Lara Reinacher 50,00 CHF
Martina Badertscher 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Sue Thiessen 105,00 CHF
Andrea Schedle 100,00 CHF
Sinja Peter 35,00 CHF
Sylvie Schlagenhauf 50,00 CHF
Esther Finsterwald 100,00 CHF
Alain Kunz 70,00 CHF
Ryan Kessler 100,00 CHF
Melanie Kreuzer 100,00 CHF
Leslie Krumwiede 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 10'000,00 CHF
Melanie Alber 35,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 15,00 CHF
Gabriela Rutschmann 175,00 CHF
Isabelle Hug 100,00 CHF
Angela Berchtold 35,00 CHF
Cilgia Pfleiderer 350,00 CHF
Beat Bossart 220,00 CHF
Vermittelt durch Swisscom 190,00 CHF
Nathalie Dalcher 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 90,00 CHF
Anonymous 190,00 CHF
Anonymous 205,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Flavio Gnos 10,00 CHF
Flavio Gnos 25,00 CHF
Flavio Gnos 20,00 CHF
Flavio Gnos 10,00 CHF
Nadja Kappeler 20,00 CHF
Nadine Sailer 20,00 CHF
Rahel Lauber 18,00 CHF
Leandra Bächler 15,00 CHF
Sandra Altermatt 40,00 CHF
Anonymous 40,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Barbara Yusof 500,00 CHF
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