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A school class dives and fishes

Many thanks for your support, which meant we were able to complete the project successfully.
project summaryThe oceans play a crucial role in our lives and the climate, but awareness of their protection is often lacking. fair-fish awakens children's enthusiasm for the ocean and its inhabitants through lively lessons, promoting responsibility and respect for this important habitat. Support fair-fish to strengthen marine and climate protection awareness.


Too little attention is still paid to the protection of the sea and its inhabitants. The ocean is like the earth's air conditioning and heating system at the same time. It is through the oceans that important water cycles come into being in the first place. And we owe a large part of the oxygen we breathe to the sea. Due to the loss of the diversity of living creatures, this ability is in danger of being lost. Trawling and pollution of the oceans are to blame. We exploit the oceans and are not aware of the consequences. We have too little relationship with marine life and are greedy for profit. The consequences are immense suffering.
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Where, if not at school, can children get excited about the sea and its inhabitants with lots of exciting materials and ideas? It takes more than a short lecture or a flyer. fair-fish teacher Larissa Puma uses lively and playful fair-fish sea lessons to awaken children's enthusiasm for the sea and its creatures, so that they take responsibility and treat the sea as a habitat with goodwill and respect. The offer is free of charge for schools.
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With a suitcase full of silver fish made of cardboard, a sea to spread out and other play ideas, Larissa Puma arouses the children's interest in the sea and the creatures in it. The children mount imaginary diving goggles, colourful fish swim across a large screen, corals move, tunas chase schools of fish.
Then the children are given drawn boats and fishing gear, and over 150 cardboard fish cavort in the sea unfurled on the floor of the room. The children roll the dice and fish, and soon there are almost no fish left in the sea. The children realise what is at stake: "We are overfishing!". As "sea turtles" they then have to look at a screen through vision-obstructing glasses and decide whether the photos presented are jellyfish (food) or plastic bags.
Together, children develop solutions such as: eat less fish, eat better caught fish, take the fair-fish fish test, make less waste.
The budget of CHF 11,000 will finance 6-7 school visits, develop and produce the material, and advertise the free marine education to the schools. This is why your help in financing the school project would be so important. Thank you very much for your support.
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fair-fish has been committed to changing people's perceptions and behaviour towards fish for over 20 years. In doing so, we rely on science and communication.
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Reto Dettli 100,00 CHF
Roland Gächter 250,00 CHF
Annette Stampfli 100,00 CHF
Verena M. Bärfuss 40,00 CHF
Silvia Schneider 50,00 CHF
Daniel Brunner 500,00 CHF
Verena Fischer 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anita Müller 300,00 CHF
martha moll 500,00 CHF
SwissShrimp AG 1'000,00 CHF
Mauro Mennig 50,00 CHF
Franziska Schaffner 30,00 CHF
Susanne Geilinger 50,00 CHF
Markus Johann 100,00 CHF
Billo Heinzpeter Studer 20,00 CHF
Daniel Mennig 50,00 CHF
Adrian Horst 100,00 CHF
Larissa Puma 25,00 CHF
Verena Stirnemann 50,00 CHF
Hans Conrad Daeniker 100,00 CHF
Dominik Widmer 50,00 CHF
Verena Stirnemann 100,00 CHF
Daniel Brunner 1'000,00 CHF
Claudia Räber 200,00 CHF
Fausta Borsani 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 75,00 CHF
Sonja Bosshart 50,00 CHF
kathleen 200,00 CHF
Regula Horner 500,00 CHF
Regula Horner 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Rolf Frischknecht 100,00 CHF
Norbert Würl 170,00 CHF
Vermittelt durch Swisscom 380,00 CHF
Kurt Schäppi 190,00 CHF
Yukie Suzuki 165,00 CHF
Astrid Michel-Kocher 180,00 CHF
Stella Alraun 20,00 CHF
Stiftung there-for-you 2'500,00 CHF
Franziska Heer 50,00 CHF
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