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Farm to support families in Tanzania

Many thanks for your support, which meant we were able to complete the project successfully.You can see the impact of the donations for yourself in the video which has been produced. In the introduction you can find the video for the project.
Project SummaryMany families in the Kilimanjaro region in Tanzania are facing financial difficulties. By cultivating our land, we want to create new jobs and secure sources of income for the families in Tanzania. Help us so that families can regain their financial and social independence!


Many families in the Kilimanjaro region (Tanzania) are losing their cohesion for various reasons. This creates financial shortages, which leads to many different difficult living situations and increases the number of street children. Difficulties for the families are mainly caused by:

  • social factors: difficult living situation, unplanned events

  • mental illnesses:  alcohol or drug addiction, mental health problems

  • physical illnesses: accidents, physical disabilities, operations, long-term illnesses.

All these problems end up in a lack of financial resources to provide basic needs such as food, health care, a safe home, clothing and education. This in turn leads to many children ending up on the streets and in orphanages. This is what we, the Kipepeo Family Foundation, want to prevent. Our main work is to help families regain social and financial independence, enabling parents to raise their children at home.
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Our goal is to cultivate our NGO-owned land. By enabling farming as well as animal husbandry on this land, jobs are created and the NGO Kipepeo Family Foundation is financially supported at the same time. This in turn enables us to empower and support more families.
The land is located in a fertile area where various vegetables and staple foods can be grown all year round. Due to the nearby river, fields can be irrigated and animals watered not only during the rainy season but also during the rest of the year. The keeping of farm animals such as cows and pigs, their rearing and sale, the use of their meat and milk bring financial income to our NGO, which can be used for other needy people. Cow meat and especially pork are marketable in all seasons and are the most used meat of the people in the Kilimanjaro region.
Not least, animal husbandry gives us the opportunity to start a new programme where we can provide an animal (as starting capital) to a family in need without having to use monetary donations. Any first born animal we donate must be returned to us. This creates a circle of support that works independently of finances.
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The donated money will be used as seed money for the cultivation of the land.
The budget is equivalent to the material and labour for a chicken house, a cow house, a piglet house, a security house and a secure fence to be built around the whole land.

  • Material: 27'492'000 tsh or 11'789 USD

  • Salary: 6'500'000 tsh or 2'783 USD

  • Transport: 500'000 tsh or 214 USD

Total: 34'492'000 tsh or 14'790 USD
The surrounding community, our NGO and the needy families throughout the Kilimanjaro region will be empowered and can benefit from the work.
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I, Joy Baumann, founded the social organisation Kipepeo Family Foundation together with local man Nixon Simba. Together with our local team, we are passionate about creating a more sustainable future for families in Tanzania.
All the staff in my team have experienced in their own childhood what it is like to live on the streets and grow up in an orphanage. I personally believe that no one could understand and solve the problems we face in our work here in Tanzania better than them.
"I believe that if my parents had been supported, I would have had a much better childhood. I want to do everything I can to improve the lives of children here in Tanzania and I believe the way to do that is to support their families." Nixon Simba, Founder
The Kipepeo Family Foundation is registered in both Switzerland and Tanzania. As we are tax-exempt for Swiss citizens, we are a trustworthy organisation. When you make a donation to us, we guarantee that your donation will be honoured and used only for the project mentioned above. We appreciate your help because we know that you give us the strength to create a better future for families in Tanzania. We thank you very much for your donation!
Learn more about the Kipepeo Family Foundation:
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News from the Kipepeo farm project - An update from Moshi

Learn more about the latest developments of our farm project in Moshi: from traditionally built stables to the installation of water and electricity systems - a sustainable progress on Kilimanjaro.

We are pleased to share an update on the progress of our farm project at the foot of Kilimanjaro. The fertile area outside Moshi provides the perfect backdrop for our venture. Since the end of 2023, we have made significant progress in the infrastructure development of our farm. After the successful harvest in July, we started building the pigsty in September and the chicken house in November. These buildings were constructed exclusively by local craftsmen using traditional methods, which allowed us to involve small regional businesses.

At the beginning of 2024, we fenced off the land and planted a hedge, which further advanced the structuring and securing of the site. We are currently in the process of installing the electricity and water system, while the final work on the buildings is being finalised.

An important next step will be to start keeping chickens, with a planned number of around 800 laying hens, whose eggs will be hatched directly on the farm. As soon as these foundations have been completed, the pigs will also move into their new home. The welfare of our animals is particularly important to us and is always at the centre of our efforts.

The farm not only provides important financial support for the Kipepeo Family Foundation, but also directly supports local families. By providing start-up capital in the form of chickens or pigs, we provide families with a basis for their own livelihoods and promote self-reliance within the community. We are confident that this project will have a lasting impact on the region and look forward to continuing to report positive developments.

Harvest successes and new developments thanks to generous donations

Harvest success and start building essential infrastructure. Learn how your donation makes change possible!

Dear supporters

The harvest season in the Kilimanjaro Region, is finally about to take an end. It took a bit longer than usual due to the long-lasting rain season.

We brought in 360 kg corn and some beans as well. All what we have got we will distribute to Families in need. The families themselves take over the responsibility to process the corn in order to store it and prepare the national dish called “Ugali”. Whenever they have not got the money to buy food by themselves, they can take from that good.

This month we are starting with the infrastructure for the buildings:

  • a little house to live in for the security
  • a chicken house
  • a stall for cows
  • a place to keep pigs

Looking forward to share with you more soon.

Warm greetings from Tanzania

Team Kipepeo

First trees planted - still 900 CHF missing!

With your help we have almost reached our goal to lead the farm of Kipepeo into independence. To realise the total amount of 14'790 CHF, we are still missing 900 CHF.

In the last few days we have planted the first trees on Kipepeo's farm. These will provide shade and privacy for the farm. Families from different village areas around Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, will benefit from our farm. Children living on the streets will get new perspectives and the hope to dream again.

"When connected, each individual becomes strong and in community a dream becomes a reality."

Help us to collect the remaining donations so that the project can be successfully completed at the end of March. With grateful hearts, we look to the future with confidence.

Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 40,00 CHF
Rene Mathyer 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Rahel Schallberger 200,00 CHF
Melanie Kraus-Hössl 100,00 CHF
Melanie Kraus-Hössl 100,00 CHF
Eliane Mäder 100,00 CHF
Kleidertausch 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 30,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 300,00 CHF
Sonja Zimmermann 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 40,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Eva-Maria Kruijen 200,00 CHF
Comune di Lugano 380,00 CHF
Anonymous 295,00 CHF
Iwano Baumgartner 365,00 CHF
Anonymous 495,00 CHF
Anonymous 190,00 CHF
David Ledermann 140,00 CHF
Vermittelt durch Swisscom 215,00 CHF
Anonymous 170,00 CHF
Noemi Hauser 50,00 CHF
Janet Schild-Huijs 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Yolanda Mattmann 100,00 CHF
Nicolas Kienast 50,00 CHF
Nicolas Kienast 50,00 CHF
Karin Schilliger 100,00 CHF
Alina Schilliger 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 404,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Demos Giudotti 140,00 CHF
Melanie Kraus-Hössl 100,00 CHF
Verein Noah 2'500,00 CHF
Anonymous 35,00 CHF
Sina Flück 50,00 CHF
Rolf Friederich 294,00 CHF
Karin Schilliger 57,00 CHF
Anonymous 46,00 CHF
Fernanda Ernst 23,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Karin Schilliger 35,00 CHF
Karin Schilliger 50,00 CHF
Karin Schilliger 46,00 CHF
Jan von Wartburg 1'000,00 CHF
Regina Baumann 35,00 CHF
Brigitte Flück 14,00 CHF
Brigitte Flück 50,00 CHF
Natalie Kaufmann 7,00 CHF
Melanie Kraus-Hössl 23,00 CHF
Anonymous 14,00 CHF
Sophie Kyburz Keppler 279,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 23,00 CHF
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