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Integration über Eishockey

Many thanks for your support, which meant we were able to complete the project successfully.
Tenzin Flütsch 100,00 CHF
Beat Boss 50,00 CHF
Luca Binder 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Jürg Büchi Köchli 50,00 CHF
Jonas Buol 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Daniel Brust 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 2'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Timothy James Jr. McGauley 50,00 CHF
Galenica AG 4'000,00 CHF
Verena und Fritz Brechbühl 190,00 CHF
Anna Maria Cereda-Biondina 300,00 CHF
Vermittelt durch Swisscom 210,00 CHF
Gemeinde Höri 195,00 CHF
Anonymous 330,00 CHF
Ivo Rossetti 220,00 CHF
Miroslav Lazic 310,00 CHF
Vermittelt durch Swisscom 30,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Currently, there are still no project partners if you are interested, please contact us via

Primary Partners