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Mobile libraries for Cambodia

Many thanks for your support, which meant we were able to complete the project successfully.
project summaryIn Cambodia, access to education remains difficult in many places, resulting in persistently high levels of illiteracy. With the library project, Kamboo Project is entering this gap and creating a powerful tool to promote a culture of reading among the youth and prepare the ground for transformative change from within.


Similar to other countries with a low level of development, illiteracy is also widespread in Cambodia. Research by Kamboo Project has shown that four out of five Cambodians aged 35 and over cannot read or write.
According to the Cambodian Ministry of Education, 7% of learners in primary schools, 20% in middle schools and 15% in high schools drop out early. The high dropout rates are due to poverty and the lack of availability of educational materials in remote areas. Other barriers to school attendance in rural areas include limited internet access, insufficient funding and a lack of educational infrastructure - including public libraries.
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The aim is to support the predominantly rural population of Cambodia in discovering and realising their potential, thereby improving their quality of life. To this end, Kamboo Project aims to break down barriers to reading and provide educational opportunities. After all, access to information is a key lever for educational advancement.
In view of these considerations, Kamboo Project is focussing on setting up ‘mobile libraries’ aimed at awakening a passion for reading among young people in Cambodia. Fostering a love of reading is essential to creating the next generation of educated Cambodians capable of driving transformative change from within.
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The Kamboo Project library project was launched in 2021 to combat illiteracy from the ground up. It was launched at two primary schools, Soung and Sna Sangkream, in Siem Reap province in the north-west of the country. In the following year, the project was expanded to include two more primary schools, Wat Roka and Chea Smon. The plan is to include a further 20 primary schools by the end of 2024, provided additional funds are made available. The aim of this crowddonating campaign is to secure funding for 10 primary schools.
Our overarching goal is to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged children, young people and people in rural areas. By providing mobile libraries, we want to help increase the literacy rate in the respective communities. May reading first become a favourite pastime and in the long run be profitable in the form of tangible economic literacy dividends!
To ensure that the most captivating books are accessible to as many students as possible, we will introduce a rotation principle between the various educational institutions and thus ensure a lively exchange.
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Kamboo Project is a Swiss non-profit organisation that has been implementing projects in rural areas in the province of Siem Reap, Cambodia, since 2014. In addition to this clear geographical focus, we limit our activities to three core areas: Drinking water and sanitation, sustainable construction and renovation, and education. Find out more about Kamboo Project on our website.
Instagram: @kambooproject
Facebook: Kamboo Project
LinkedIn: Kamboo Project
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Sandra Lack 20,00 CHF
Stephan Lienin 100,00 CHF
Vera Lütscher 20,00 CHF
Valentina Bucholzki 500,00 CHF
Stefan Reusser 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Jessica Leimgruber 20,00 CHF
Anonymous 573,00 CHF
Barbara Gilbert 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Zali Sutton 20,00 CHF
Sebastian Ferus 20,00 CHF
Andrea Darms 100,00 CHF
Fiona Capt-Sutton 50,00 CHF
Paul Sebastian Zebjeniac 30,00 CHF
Joern Wagenbach 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 75,00 CHF
Caroline Gerber 100,00 CHF
Paul Reyher 30,00 CHF
Stefan Pfister 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Claudio Viglino 200,00 CHF
Ruedi Meyer 100,00 CHF
Rakesh Makhan 20,00 CHF
Andreas Schacke 350,00 CHF
Event "Building A Resilient Future" 300,00 CHF
Vermittelt durch Swisscom 50,00 CHF
Lorenz von Arx 210,00 CHF
Stefanie Steiner 400,00 CHF
Rahul Chopra (London) 470,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Dania Kilek 10,00 CHF
Gertrud Brunner 25,00 CHF
Monica Gadient 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 11,00 CHF
D.Morf 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 6,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Susanne Meier 10,00 CHF
Maja Brunner 20,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
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