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A Space for Vulnerable Women

Project SummaryUnited Women Switzerland (UWS) empowers women who are new to Switzerland and who face challenges integrating into society. Our objective is to provide a secure and encouraging community for refugees, expatriates, and Swiss women, with a particular focus on refugees. Our project, 'bagforeveryone', brings a social tailoring workshop from Lesbos to Switzerland, where the tailor Fateme and other refugee women produce sustainable bags. Donations of CHF 200 or more will be rewarded with a voucher for a handmade bag.
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Displaced from their homes due to conflict, persecution or natural disasters, refugee women face unimaginable hardship and a traumatic journey full of uncertainty. Even after arriving in Switzerland, they often face isolation, both social and emotional. United Women Switzerland (UWS) is committed to easing the often difficult integration process for these women, as well as for other foreign women who newly arrived in Switzerland.
We provide a safe space that fosters connections between refugee, expat, and Swiss women, encouraging mutual support and understanding. Through a diverse range of projects, we aim to empower these women, open new opportunities for them, and support them on their journey towards independence and active participation in society.
Together with our partners, Social Fabric and cloudburst, we have designed a solidarity bag — a limited first edition, handcrafted in Zurich by refugees using sustainable materials. Each donation over CHF 200.- receives a voucher for a solidarity bag.
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The Social Sewing Workshop
bagforeveryone is the first initiative by UWS designed to support refugee women and its goal is to create a 40% employment position for Fateme, a skilled seamstress with residency and work permits. She will run workshops to teach other refugee women the art of sewing. Thus, the participants will redevelop a stabilizing daily structure, will learn valuable transferable skills and receive a certificate recognizing their experience.
Our objective is to create a multipurpose space for women from diverse cultural and social backgrounds that fosters creative projects, strengthens solidarity, and promotes social integration. Our key priorities include:
Social Integration: Our mission is to cultivate a sense of belonging and reduce the isolation that many newly arrived women in Switzerland experience.
Empowerment: UWS aims to implement projects that enable women to discover their strengths and qualities, acquire skills that will allow them to become more independent, and learn how to access and integrate into the world of work.
Cultural Exchange: We hope that this initiative will facilitate better connections and mutual understanding among women from different backgrounds.
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In April 2025, we plan to launch our Sewing Module, led by volunteer helpers and Fateme, a refugee from Afghanistan. This module will take place in a multipurpose room, where participants will craft bags. Additional modules are in development.
To provide women with early sewing experience and prepare them for internships and professional integration.
The funds raised through this crowdfunding campaign will be used specifically for the following purposes:

  • Salary for Fateme: CHF 15,000 (yearly costs would be CHF 30,000)

  • Space: CHF 5,000 (rent, refreshments, and furnishings)

  • Materials/Machines: CHF 5,000 (sewing machines, fabrics, and accessories)

  • Project Development: CHF 5,000 (administration, communication, and support for volunteers)

Your contribution will help us create opportunities for refugee women to gain skills, confidence, and a path towards independence.
The following partners support us in the implementation:

  • cloudburst: Responsible for consulting on sustainable materials and their delivery.

  • Social Fabric: Sewing workshop for the professional integration of people who have fled their homes and manufacturer of the Zurich Edition bag.

  • Botanitex: Dyeing workshop that uses natural resources to color our bags.

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Dr. Iulia Tegge, Project Manager
"Our project aims to create a safe space for refugee women, offering them the opportunity to connect and collaborate."

Mieneke Süess, Communications
"We envision a space in Zurich where isolated women can come together to create and support one another."

Alessandra Cesari, Fundraising
"We aim to collaborate with like-minded organizations to make Zurich a more inclusive and welcoming place for newly arrived women."

Olivia Guler, Founder, Partners
"For donations over CHF 200, you will automatically receive a voucher for a handmade bag crafted by refugees at Social Fabric in Zurich, using sustainable materials from Cloudburst."
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Corinne Haffter Schaffner 50,00 CHF
Silke Refghi 100,00 CHF
Alice Mathis 200,00 CHF
Mauro Nart 100,00 CHF
Sanathanan Varathalingam 100,00 CHF
Celina Schaumann 250,00 CHF
Andrea Reiter 100,00 CHF
Ladina Glaus 151,00 CHF
Terence Loh 800,00 CHF
Markus Deublein 200,00 CHF
Sarah Ley 50,00 CHF
Monalisa Stiefel 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Astrid Johanna Mayer 50,00 CHF
Lea Spirig 100,00 CHF
Nina Giacomelli 50,00 CHF
Tania Kyburz 150,00 CHF
Alain Gasser 30,00 CHF
Marianne Spirig 50,00 CHF
Val Mahler 50,00 CHF
Julien Jarmoszko 29,00 CHF
Corinna Landis 200,00 CHF
Vreni Siegenthaler 100,00 CHF
Ivan Stefania 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 15,00 CHF
Nora Degonda 100,00 CHF
Silvia Wehrli 100,00 CHF
Marietta Meier 100,00 CHF
Claudia Bachmann 80,00 CHF
Norma Giannetta 100,00 CHF
Yvonne Eisenring 100,00 CHF
Fabienne Fini 100,00 CHF
Tanja Muzik 155,00 CHF
Unsui 50,00 CHF
Laura Keller 50,00 CHF
Laura Keller 50,00 CHF
Daniela Höpperger 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 25,00 CHF
Yannick Träris-Kahriman 100,00 CHF
Florian Hoffmann 10,00 CHF
Marcel Widmer 100,00 CHF
Pascal Jenny 50,00 CHF
Kristjan Jozipovic 100,00 CHF
Pinuccia Rustico 50,00 CHF
Mattia Lento 20,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 38,00 CHF
Marij Stosic 250,00 CHF
Anonymous 40,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Alessandra Cesari 80,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Patricia Zimmer 60,00 CHF
Marlen Marconi 40,00 CHF
Valeria Togni 150,00 CHF
Vermittelt durch Swisscom 600,00 CHF
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