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Save the island after eruption

Many thanks for your support, which meant we were able to complete the project successfully.
project summaryWe plan to construct seed nurseries and give the community a new start after the volcanic eruption. We need 4600 CHF for the materials, the seeds and the workers. With your help, people in St. Vincent can have a lifelyhood gain and nature can be restored!  


In April 2021, the volcano La Soufrière exploded on the island of St. Vincent, in the Caribbean, leaving its inhabitants devastated, with no clean water and no food production. The country was already the second poorest of the world, regarding the PIB per capita, but now more than ever: Thousands of people have lost their livelihood. Most of the Vincentians are farmers and their crops were buried under the ashes. Also, many of the trees which were protecting the steep hills from erosion are now destroyed.

Richmond Vale Academy (RVA) has been trying to restore nature on the island: creating permaculture gardens in the community, planting more than 200 000 trees for preventing soil erosion and promoting biodiversity, restoring the health of the coastline by planting mangroves that have extended the ability to capture CO2, building underwater nurseries for corals, which are slowly dying due to oceanic acidity and rise of the temperature, etc. By doing this, they have been improving the lives of thousands of people. Fishes have come back to many shores, crops are growing better after improvement of the soil and farmers have the right tools and knowledge to grow their own food.

But the volcano has left people with nothing and solidarity is not enough. Around 20.000 Vincentians are affected by the Volcano eruption and they depend on our and your help.
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To recover and protect the land, and to grow food, our farmers need to have access to plants. Therefore, we want to grow seedlings and make them available to the population.
The benefits of this project will be:

  • Promoting food and water security

  • Income independence (Dignity from earning their money from their labor) for the 2 nursery managers and their families.

  • Land protection (Erosion control)

  • Fighting climate change through reforestation, and localization of food production and consumption.

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The idea of the project is to make two seed nurseries in the community, run by locals. Through these nurseries, the local community will have access to organic trees and plant seedlings. The other benefit is that the owners of the seed nurseries will start to make income, which will help them support their families.
For the building of the nurseries two builders will be employed. The seeds will be ordered from USA, due to the lack of organic seeds on the island. 30 to 45 days after reciving the money we excpect to have the first ready seed trays.
Costs: We need 4600 CHF to be able to acquire the necessary materials for the structure of the seed nurseries, to pay for the workers who will construct them and to provide them with the necessary seeds and tools. We, the Vincentians, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your donation. Thanks to you, we can have a decent and dignified life.
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Danail Petrov, instructor, and part of the community of Richmond Vale Academy, in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. RVA is an NGO, which stands for climate protection. It fights climate change with sustainability methods, implementing permaculture, renewable energy, and educational projects to create a sustainable, more nature-oriented world, and to provide the locals of St. Vincent the necessary tools and knowledge to be able to have a decent life, with healthy food, clean water, and energy.
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A huge and warm thank you to you!

The donation goal was reached and now we are starting to plan the next steps. We have many ideas how we can help the local population and make life a little bit better again.

Thank you – thank you, for the love and the smile which you gave us. We are super happy and excited to tell you that we manage to collect all of the money we applied for. That we have the money, and we can make the seed nurseries is not only good news for us, but is also something that is giving us hope in those hard times. Thanks to you we strongly believe that what we do matters. That there is a world community that cares for the well-being of humanity and the how natural ecosystem. We cannot express our gratitude in any other way than to show you the fruits of your blessing. We will start making the nurseries in January 2022 and by the end of February, we hope to have them ready. The project will involve more than just building the nurseries.

  • The project will be carried by adult students, who are trained in our academy for doing development work. Together with you we are not only creating a project, we are empowering people to believe that they can change the world.
  • We will organize classes on compost, seed saving, and seed propagation. There we will teach not only how to do it, but also why we should save our own seeds, and get independent from the grip of the monopoly seed market.  
  • We will organize community seed exchange events.
  • We will make a video to show you the end result, the owners, and the impact on the community.

We are sending love and light to all of you, angels of change.
Alone the world changes us. Together we can change the world.

First signs of progress on the island

Thanks to countless supporters, Richmond Vale Academy has already been able to help many people and make a lasting difference in their lives. Support them even more so they can help more people rebuild their livelihoods!

During the months after we started our campaign, we can see how life is slowly but surely coming back to normal. This happened because of the strong resistance and adaptivity of humankind and nature. But also, is possible thanks to the love and support received from the world. For us would be very difficult to deal with our current situation without the humanitarian care for each other. In this update, we want to show you some of the things we already did.
We have supported local people with clothing, with feed for animals, with materials for rebuilding a lifestyle, and with many-many hours of ecological garden work and classes.
We want to say thank you to those of you who already support our project and we would like to encourage more to join us in this fight for a better and healthier future.

Love and respect from Saint Vincent 

Siv Jorun Johansen 30,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Winfried Weiler 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 270,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Tobias Kühl 5,00 CHF
Miguel Pacheco 30,00 CHF
Florence Affolter 25,00 CHF
Rebecca Hofer 150,00 CHF
Riccardo Ferrari 150,00 CHF
Francesco Respini 270,00 CHF
Verena Trüb 500,00 CHF
Hristo Hristov 20,00 CHF
Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev 50,00 CHF
Stiftung "there-for-you" 2'270,00 CHF
Anonymous 30,00 CHF
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