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there for trees

Project SummarySchool classes actively campaign for a sustainable and climate-friendly forest in their own region and learn more about nature and the environment. Set an example by supporting forest activities by school classes and thus promoting enthusiasm for these topics!
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Climate change and biodiversity loss are two of the greatest challenges of our time. They are closely interlinked and individual measures are not enough to counteract them decisively. We need a variety of approaches and the cooperation of everyone in order to protect nature and the environment and thus preserve the basis of human life. We are dependent on nature and the environment and must work together to protect biodiversity and limit global warming.
The last ten years in Switzerland have already been more than 2 degrees Celsius warmer than the preindustrial average. It is particularly worrying that 60% of insect populations are endangered or potentially endangered. Overall, around a third of species and almost half of habitats in Switzerland are threatened. Surprisingly, according to surveys conducted by Pusch and Bird Life Switzerland, 54 % of people believe that biodiversity is in a good state - a knowledge gap that urgently needs to be addressed.
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This is exactly where we come in: We want to involve the younger generations in particular, get them excited about nature and the environment and raise awareness of these issues. They become active themselves and take this knowledge with them throughout their lives.
The forest fulfils extremely important functions in both areas and provides a habitat for a large number of species, produces oxygen and binds carbon (among many other important functions). A healthy forest is therefore also vital for human survival. At the same time, forests are under great pressure due to climate change and its consequences, such as drought or pest infestation - especially monocultures are particularly vulnerable. In contrast, mixed forests harbour a greater diversity of species, are more resistant to such threats and can also store more carbon in the trees and soil. This is why we work with school classes and motivated groups to promote sustainable and climate-friendly forests. In doing so, they learn more about the forest ecosystem and its diverse functions and effects. Worldwide, renaturalisation has great potential for climate protection and biodiversity, as shown by various studies by the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich, which supports us with scientific input.
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The school classes and interested groups are guided in the forest by specialised staff and work to protect the forests. This involves planting locally suitable tree and shrub species that contribute to a mixed forest, carrying out protection and maintenance work and combating unwanted neophytes.
We take on the planning of the forest operation and the coordination between schools, forestry offices, municipalities and other organisations. The forest operation should be combined with the theory taught in class so that a link is established. In this way, what has been learnt is consolidated and enriched by practical experience. The donations are used for the following items, depending on the assignment:

  • Purchase of seedlings (trees and bushes)

  • Wildlife protection of the trees

  • Instruction by specialised staff

  • Organisation of the forest operation

  • Material such as gloves, teaching materials or catering

We want to utilise the diverse effects of trees and forests for the environment and nature and get young people interested in the climate and environment in the long term. We are also very happy to involve companies in the forestry projects. there for trees is an ongoing project and continuously uses the funds for forestry projects. We always show the latest developments under Updates.
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there for you
With our own project there for trees, we are getting active ourselves and actively involving our community. If you are interested in working in the forest or if you have suitable contacts, please get in touch with us:
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That was the best trip of my school days!

"That was the best excursion of my school days" - pupil during a forest outing in Regensdorf. Feedback like this shows how important and effective our work is - and how much it is appreciated by the young participants.

Unfortunately, the weather gods were often not on our side, so many operations took place in the rain and cold. However, this did not stop us from organising 21 missions with a total of 319 children, who were enthusiastic and committed. Let us now look back together at some of the exciting and memorable moments of this season.

A special highlight was the participation of the entire 6th grade from the Pächterried school in Regensdorf. 110 pupils took part in a three-day planting campaign at the edge of the forest in the Sonnhalde area in Adlikon/Regensdorf. Under the guidance of forest ranger Thomas Hubli, the children planted shrubs such as buckthorn, hawthorn and sea buckthorn, which are essential for promoting biodiversity.

Thomas Hubli emphasised: "The children ensure biodiversity and get an experience they can look back on. I never thought they would be so positive in this weather." Despite the bad weather - it rained non-stop - the children stood in the mud and still laughed.

Some of the dedicated sixth-formers also promised that they would return in a few years' time to see how their planting had flourished and the results. One pupil even said that this was the best excursion of his entire school time.

Tanja Schaller, the 6th grade teacher, was also enthusiastic: "It's definitely better, not just discuss everything in theory, but to go out and do it. You definitely remember more when you see something than just hear about it. And things that you have created yourself are protected and appreciated more."

After three years, we were finally able to carry out an assignment in our home canton of Graubünden. In Bonaduz, we worked together with the Bonaduz Rhäzüns municipal operations to manage the forest sustainably and promote biodiversity. Two classes got involved and contributed to making the forest as sustainable as possible. Janosch emphasised the joy of finally being active in his home canton and praised the excellent cooperation with our local partners.

In Boll-Utzigen, we organised an impressive campaign with our long-standing partner Swisscom and a school class from Bern, during which 450 trees were planted and protected. This campaign not only offered the participants an opportunity to actively contribute to environmental protection, but also to gain an in-depth insight into practical forestry work.

Another notable event took place in Malters on 23 May 2024. 30 pupils from Malters secondary school helped with measures to promote natural regeneration and biodiversity in the Buggeringerwald forest. The students' interest in creating new habitats and supporting the natural regeneration of the forest was particularly pleasing. This project could develop into an interesting collaboration with Holzhof Pilatus - we'll keep you up to date!

For the first time, we organised a forest mission with a school class in cooperation with the Office for Forests and Wildlife. This campaign follows on from our company outreach programme last year and marks the start of a promising collaboration. The pupils learnt a lot about the importance of the forest and the practical aspects of forest maintenance.

16 schoolgirls from the Meitleflade school in St. Gallen took part in important reforestation measures. The work was carried out in cooperation with Bühler, which has supported there for trees since the start of the project. In addition to the forest work, Bühler invited the school class on a tour of the company and presented its training model and sustainability approach. The girls were given a look behind the scenes and were impressively shown that even technical professions are not "men's jobs".

We would like to thank all donors, partners and foresters who supported us in spring 2024 and look forward to a successful autumn season!

Summer greetings from Arosa,
Flavio, Jil and Janosch

Successful partnerships shape our 2023 autumn season

In the 2023 autumn season, the there for trees team and its partners made a further contribution to the protection of Swiss forests. Find out how local schools and businesses are working hand in hand for nature and the environment.

The 2023 autumn season was a prime example of how collaboration and commitment can have a lasting impact on our environment. In cooperation with Swiss Prime Site and the Zug Forest and Wildlife Office, we made a contribution to the future of these vital ecosystems in Walchwil. Around 35 employees of the company helped to plant and protect around 300 young trees - a collaboration that was initiated last year by the Global Real Estate Run. This year, we are again proud to be a partner of the running event for more sustainability in the property sector.

In Reichenbach, we worked with local school classes over two days to plant a large number of trees. From larches and sycamore maples to Swiss stone pines and silver firs - the planting campaign not only made a contribution to environmental protection, but also provided a hands-on learning experience for young people in the areas of nature conservation and forest management. Our long-standing DIVAS Asset Management, also gave us great support for the forest planting programme near Regensdorf. A total of 88 schoolchildren and 35 other motivated participants were active in the forest in autumn, planting 590 trees and doing other important work for a climate-friendly and sustainable forest.

A big thank you to our donors and partners for their tremendous support of there for trees. Their commitment enables us to continue to make a significant contribution to the protection and care of our forests and to inspire young people for nature. We look forward to an exciting spring season in 2024 and are grateful for your continued support.

Successful start of the season in Walchwil

A successful start to the autumn season: Joint tree planting with one of the largest real estate companies in Switzerland.

Last week, together with about 35 employees of Swiss Prime Site, we opened the autumn season in Walchwil, Canton Zug. This action for the Zug forest also marked the beginning of our partnership with the Zug Forestry and Game Office. After an introduction, during which the participants received a lot of interesting information about the Walchwil forest and forestry work in general, the Walchwil Forest Corporation, under the leadership of Vitus Hürlimann, carried out various tasks together with the participants. From clearing the planting area to setting up game guards and planting young trees - we definitely did not run out of work.

The 300 or so young trees that Swiss Prime Site ran for as part of the Global Real Estate Run last year were successfully planted. This year, we are once again delighted to be a partner of the Global Real Estate Run.

Exciting times await us in the coming weeks. We have planned outreaches in various cantons together with local schools and forestry offices. Students from Regensdorf, Polliez, Bern and Reichenbach will actively participate in the protection and care of our forests. We are proud to continue our mission to protect and care for the forests in Switzerland.

Would you also like to participate in a planting with your company? Whether alone or with a school class from your region, contact us and we will organise your company planting.

Many thanks to all those involved who have made this successful start to the season possible. We look forward to a productive and inspiring autumn season and thank all those who join us in preserving and protecting our forests.

Your there-for-trees team

Successful spring planting campaign for the Swiss forest

This year's spring planting campaign was the largest in the history of "there-for-trees". On 15 days, 300 students and over 100 hunters planted no less than 5068 trees.

Wet, cold and even a little snow - the weather in spring was not really convincing. However, this did not stop us from pushing ahead with our "there-for-trees" project and campaigning for the forest, biodiversity and climate protection with students from all over Switzerland. We were active in a total of 9 different cantons. This year's spring planting season ended at the Kollegium St. Michael in Zug in heavy rain and light snowfall. The entire school was involved in two days of activities for the Swiss forest. A total of 80 pupils were active. St. Michael's College attaches great importance to sustainability and is also part of Eco-Schools Suisse. 

"It's a lot of fun and something new but it's also very muddy!" (Student, St. Michael's College)

The fact that we were able to hold so many planting days this year was certainly also due to our new cooperation with the Jane Goodall Institute Switzerland. Some teachers became aware of us thanks to the training programme Roots & Shoots of the Jane Goodall Institute Switzerland. As already announced, we are proud to announce another cooperation.

From now on we will be working together with the Department of Forest & Game Zug. In the past we had to realise that the search for suitable forest areas and foresters was a great challenge. By working with the Office of Forest & Game Zug, we now have the opportunity to benefit from their network and help them bring the Swiss forest closer to the younger generations.

"Young people are our future. This also applies to young trees: the future forest develops from them. Helping to shape this forest together and thus taking responsibility teaches us to appreciate nature and connects us with it." Martin Ziegler (Head of the Zug Forest and Game Office)

In connection with this cooperation, we are broadening the project there-for-trees. In the future, we would like to do more work beyond planting trees and thus work together with the school classes and the forestry operations in a variety of ways to promote a sustainable forest in Switzerland. The focus will continue to be on planting trees and imparting knowledge to schoolchildren, but we will also carry out other important work such as clearing areas, uprooting unwanted plants, maintaining forest meadows and sparse forests, as well as wildlife protection and the care of young trees.

We would like to thank all the partners involved, forestry offices, schools and the many donors who support us in this project. Without them, none of this would be possible. We are thrilled at how committed the students are and look forward to continuing to spend many hours for the Swiss forest in the future. Together we can make a positive change and protect our planet!

We already have the first plantings planned for the autumn. A large part of the current donations have now been "transplanted", and we still have a budget for four to five actions for the autumn. We are still dependent on support to expand our activities. Together we can protect the Swiss forest and shape a sustainable future. Best wishes and see you soon!


Easter update on there-for-trees

Spring is here and the there-for-trees project is in full swing. Students from all over Switzerland are campaigning for the forest, biodiversity and climate protection. A total of eight successful campaigns have already taken place.

The plantings took place in different regions of Switzerland. The start was made by the plantations in Ogens and Founex. Together with the local hunter cooperatives, a total of over 1,000 trees were planted. With this action, the hunters want to give something back to the forest. The planting in Founex was concluded in glorious weather with a fondue and white wine, as it should be 😉.

The first planting with students took place on 20.03.23. In Kindhausen, near Volketswil, 250 trees were planted together with the Holzkooperation Hegnau and forester Fabio Gass. Jeannette Escher's 3rd grade class was bursting with energy and helped energetically. Afterwards, Flavio, a trainee, went back to Western Switzerland. To be more precise, to Martigny. Unfortunately, he was greeted by not exactly great weather. Fortunately, the planting could still be carried out. The students were not affected by the bad weather and planted 20 standard trees and about 150 shrubs in no time at all. Beforehand, the students were trained by the Sempach ornithological station on the topic of climate change and biodiversity in particular. It was also the Sempach ornithological station that selected the plants and ensured that they were planted correctly. After the planting, the forest owner offered homemade apple juice for the children and, how could it be, white wine for the adults.

Two plantings also took place last week. The first was in Luthern, Canton Lucerne, with one of the local hunter cooperatives. Douglas firs, silver firs, larches and birches were planted on the steepest slopes. Last year we were already able to plant trees in this area with a school class. It was gratifying to see how the trees developed and that most of the young trees survived the first year well. We also planted trees in Uttigen and Gossau. The planting in Gossau was done together with the Flade Girls' School. After the planting, the class was given a guided tour on sustainability and future prospects at the Buhler company. Bühler is a long-standing partner of there-for-trees and has generously supported the project again this year. The girls got a look behind the scenes and it was impressively shown to them that technical professions are also not purely "male professions".

We would like to thank all the partners, forestry offices, schools and the many donors who support us in this project. Without them, none of this would be possible.

In the coming weeks, there will be more activities in which students will campaign for the Swiss forest. For example, next week in Zug with the entire St. Michael College. We are thrilled to see how committed the students are and look forward to continuing to invest many hours for the Swiss forest in the future. Together we can make a positive difference and protect our planet!

The there-for-trees team wishes you a happy Easter!

Spring planting season 2023 kicks off with new partnerships and engagements

Spring is just around the corner and we can't wait to finally start the planting season again! In addition, there is some news to report from the cooperation partners.

Tomorrow on 11.03.23 the hunters cooperation in Ogens will plant the first trees and shrubs of the spring season 2023. Last fall, a first planting day was already held in Ogens. Now, in a next step, a connection between forest patches will be planted, which is of great importance for animals. But we will also carry out further planting in Fournex, Thun, Martigny, St. Gallen, Zug and several locations in the canton of Graubünden in the coming weeks.

We are particularly proud to participate in the Tschuggen Collection's Race for Nature thanks to Bassi Elektro. The Tschuggen Collection, since 2019 the first climate-neutral premium hotel group in Switzerland, organizes a charity ski race to protect our nature and invites recognized nature conservation organizations to participate in the dialogue. We are participating with and will present our heart projects. The participation fees of 15'000 CHF will be donated to there-for-trees.

We are also happy to welcome the Jane Goodall Institute Switzerland as a new partner of there-for-trees. Their project Roots & Shoots supports young people to get involved in the conservation of the environment in their community and surroundings. Together we will sensitize school classes for the Swiss forest within the Roots & Shoots project and become active together.

In the future, we will work even harder to preserve the Swiss forest and carry out other forest work in addition to planting. Our goal remains to raise awareness of biodiversity conservation and climate change among the youngest generation. As part of this reorientation, we will soon be able to announce new collaborations. Until then, we wish you a beautiful beginning of spring and thank you for your support.

Your there-for-trees team

New planting season coming up

After the summer break, during which we worked intensively on the further development of the there-for-trees project, the new planting season is now starting. Four planting days with a total of 120 students are already planned for this autumn!

Already tomorrow, on 25.10.2022, the autumn planting season begins in the municipality of Reichenbach in the canton of Bern. Successful plantings were already carried out in this region last year, now we will plant another 180 trees for the climate and a healthy forest together with 23 pupils. A total of three planting days are planned in November. Two of them in the municipality of Regensdorf in the canton of Zurich and one in the municipality of Ogens in the canton of Vaud. A total of 6 classes will actively help with the planting, and we will also be supported by one of our company donors for one planting.

During the summer, we worked on upcoming plantings and made there-for-trees known to a wide audience. For example, we presented our project at Goldbach's summer event and held a sustainability quiz. For each participant in the quiz, an amount was donated to there-for-trees. The donations generated from this will benefit the students and the climate. We would like to thank Goldbach and all the other donors once again!

We are always looking for new planting projects. If you know of a suitable area in your region or would like to make this experience possible for a school class, please contact us at: In addition, tree planting is a great opportunity for a team event. You and your team can spend a day planting trees in your region, either together with a school class or on your own, thus promoting biodiversity and doing something against climate change. We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

your there-for-trees team

Another successful planting season

Thanks to the many donations received, we were once again able to carry out several planting campaigns in spring 2022 and thus contribute to climate protection. And preparations are already underway for the next planting season.

From mid-March to the end of April 2022, we again carried out several planting campaigns with school classes from all over Switzerland. For example, we were in Bischofszell in Upper Thurgau, in Marigny, in Adliswil and in Schwyz. It was incredibly motivating to see how energetic the students were and how they actively campaigned for climate change. 

In addition, this planting season strengthened the cooperation of various stakeholders. The involvement of associations such as JagdSchweiz and companies that work together with forestry offices, communities and school classes for a better future is central to climate protection. Only when different actors from different sectors come together and work for the climate can this succeed. 

We are already looking forward to the plantings that will take place in the fall.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who were involved in the planting or who made it possible. Thanks to all donors, school classes, teachers, foresters, community workers, fellow planters and our partners!

We are planting trees again

On Saturday, March 12, it is that time again: we will start with the first planting of this year. We are very pleased to be able to set an example for sustainability and climate protection with many school classes in various places in Switzerland.

In the past months, we have worked intensively with forestry offices, municipalities, schools and hunters' associations and prepared for the upcoming planting days in several cantons. Now we are officially starting the there-for-trees planting season on Saturday. We are heading straight to Senarclens in the canton of Vaud in western Switzerland. Our intern Jennifer will represent us there and plant young trees alongside 50 hunters and aspiring hunters.

On 15 March, we will move on to beautiful Martigny in the canton of Valais. There, our project leader Janosch will plant almost 500 trees and hedges with four school classes. These serve to increase the biodiversity of agricultural areas. The school classes will already receive an interesting lecture by an ornithologist this week. He will teach the participating pupils about the topic "How does tree planting affect birds". An exciting and activity-based project for the young generation.

This month there will be 4 more plantings. For this we will travel to Regensdorf and Oberthurgau for example. There we meet almost 70 pupils who can hardly wait to complete the knowledge they have learned in class with practical work in the forest and to talk to the representatives of the forestry offices about details on topics such as the forest ecosystem, fauna and flora in general and climate change.

In April, we will continue in a similarly energetic way. We will inform you about this in due course.

Your there-for-you team

2'695 trees planted in one year!

Our own project there-for-trees is taking a winter break after an effective spring and autumn. Since the start of our project this spring, we and 232 pupils have already planted 2695 trees.

After a successful start in spring, we continued just as energetically this autumn. Within a month, we implemented 5 plantings in Schaffhausen, Uzwil, Wohlen, Eptingen and Villarzel. The numerous pupils who participated in the planting actively made their own contribution to climate protection and biodiversity in Switzerland. Through their participation in the project, the awareness of the youth and children regarding their role in climate change and climate protection is raised.

In addition to the school classes, representatives of our partners were also present at certain plantings. Thanks to our generous partners Bühler Group, DIVAS Asset Management AG and Rahn AG, we were able to carry out several plantings and thanks to our partnership with the Global Real Estate Run, we will be able to plant even more trees in Switzerland in 2022. Since this autumn, JagdSchweiz have been lending us a helping hand. They support us and the participating school classes at various locations and thus contribute to clean air and biodiversity.

Although the winter break has just begun, our team is already busy planning for the coming spring. Among others, we are in contact with foresters in the canton of Vaud, a planting is planned in Thurgau and something big is in the pipeline for the canton of Schwyz. Hopefully, many more plantings will take place in the coming months so that we can plant even more trees and motivate even more students to protect the climate. We are also very happy that some of our partners will continue to support us in 2022.

Thank you very much for your amazing support! Our success so far and the many more plantings we hope to do next year are only possible thanks to the support of our donors and partners.

Watch the video of the planting in Uzwil - which was made possible by our partner Bühler - so that you don't miss our there-for-trees project too much during the winter break.

Your there-for-you team

Pupils and hunters work together for a better future!

Thanks to the commitment of several school classes and the cooperation with JagdSchweiz, three more planting days could be implemented. In addition to the planting itself, the focus was also on "being in nature".

By the end of October, we can proudly report three successful planting days. While we started in Schaffhausen with two school classes, by the end of October we were widely scattered in the cantons of Baselland and Vaud and planted a total of over 400 trees.

While the planting in Schaffhausen was done in the "classic" way with school children, we were also able to count on the support of many hunters in Eptingen and Villarzel. The atmosphere during the work was unique: a mixture of joy and ambition. It was a lot of fun for us to supervise these days and to see how, at the end of the day, many small trees emerged from once bare areas.

In addition, we were not only active as plant experts and representatives this autumn, but also in schools: our project leader Janosch held a lesson on climate change in Uzwil and discussed the causes, effects and, even more importantly, appropriate solutions with the school class, which will be involved in a future planting day.

At the beginning of November we will carry out the last plantings for this year: We will travel to Wohlen and Uzwil and once again fight for climate protection.

We would like to thank all our supporters, partners, school classes and teachers as well as foresters and hunters.

Together we can set an example in the fight against climate change!

Your there-for-you team

The next plantings are coming!

Next week, the there-for-trees autumn plantings will start with up to 6 plantings scheduled within the next month. We are very much looking forward to the planting days with the students and thank all donors and partners!

After the successful plantings in spring, up to six more plantings will follow this autumn. Five are already fixed and another one will probably also take place in autumn (alternatively in spring), thus almost ten school classes from Switzerland are able to become active themselves in the next few weeks and contribute to climate protection and healthy forests in Switzerland. Next Tuesday (26.10.), the first planting will take place near Schaffhausen. Two classes with a total of 41 pupils will plant various tree species throughout the day under the guidance of district forester Peter Eggli.

In addition, we were able to establish new partnerships over the summer, for example with JagdSchweiz or the Global Real Estate Run, and thus further expand the reach of the project. In cooperation with JagdSchweiz, the first plantings will already take place on October 30. The day before that, the Global Real Estate Run will take place; in addition to the sporting team experience, the run is aimed at more sustainability in the real estate sector. Interested individuals and companies can register for the run and plant trees with us.

Once again, many thanks to all donors and our generous sponsors Rahn Group and DIVAS Asset Management AG, who make individual projects possible. We are also already planning projects for 2022 and have something big planned in the canton of Schwyz. Stay tuned!

Follow us also on social media, where we regularly share impressions of the planting days.

Best wishes

Your team from

Wakeboard Academy: New project partner for there-for-trees!

New cooperation with the Wakeboard Academy - surf on Lake Zurich and offset CO2 emissions at the same time.

The there-for-trees project is picking up speed. After the first successful tree plantings in Frutigen and Uster, we are happy to announce a new partnership with the Wakeboard Academy, which offers wakeboard, wakeskate and wakesurf sessions on Lake Zurich. The company gives all customers the opportunity to voluntarily compensate the CO2 emissions caused by each session. With an additional charge of CHF 3.00 per session, the athletes are not only doing something good for their bodies, but also for the environment! If 50 percent of the customers decide to compensate their ride, at least two new planting days can be financed thanks to this cooperation.

Successful tree planting in Frutigen

29 pupils planted 400 trees for the renaturation of the floodplain forest on the Kander. This was a major contribution to climate protection and biodiversity in the Bernese Oberland.

Last Friday, 9.4.2021, class 7a of the Frutigen secondary school planted 400 trees. Under the guidance of district forester Martin Schenk and his colleagues, the pupils planted 100 pedunculate oaks, fluttering elms, black poplars and silver willows. This strengthens the floodplain forest along the Kander, which has many positive effects on climate, environment and biodiversity. In addition, the floodplain forest provides flood protection and improves water quality. The students were highly motivated and committed to the project, they were happy to contribute to nature conservation and want to pay even more attention to the climate in the future. Class teacher Jil Karl also had these goals with her participation in there-for-trees; she wanted to offer the students the opportunity to become active themselves, to experience something and at the same time to sensitise them for this topic. Many thanks for the donations so far, which make all this possible.

Various media such as the Frutigländer, the Berner Oberländer and TeleBärn have also reported on the campaign. This of course helps a great deal so that there-for-trees can continue to grow.

We are extremely happy about this great day and the enthusiasm of all participants. We are looking forward to hopefully many more plantings and are already in contact with about 15 other school classes. For this we need your support again. Thank you very much.

175 trees planted in Uster

35 pupils started the climate protection project there-for-trees in Uster. In perfect weather and with great guidance from forester Benjamin Kistner, 175 sessile oaks were planted. A great start to the project!

The first plantings in Uster on Thursday the 25th and Friday the 26th of March 2021 were a complete success. Two motivated school classes with a total of 35 pupils showed great commitment and planted 175 sessile oaks within two days - far more than the target of 40 to 50 trees per day! In addition to the actual planting, the area was first prepared and important wildlife protection work was carried out afterwards. The pupils thus gained a comprehensive insight into the topic of tree planting. In addition to imparting knowledge about global warming and biodiversity loss, renaturation and reforestation have great potential to combat climate change. In 25 years, the trees planted in Uster can compensate for about 35 to 40 tonnes of CO2.

On Friday, 9 April 2021, the second planting will take place in Frutigen. 29 pupils will spend a day planting silver willows, black poplars, fluttering elms and English oaks in the Bernese Oberland and make an important contribution to climate protection in Switzerland.

The there-for-trees plantings are only possible thanks to donations. Support the Swiss climate protection project and promote knowledge transfer in schools and the renaturation and reforestation of forests in Switzerland. Watch the video of the first there-for-trees milestone i.e. the first planting in Uster.

First plantings of there-for-trees in Uster

The first trees are planted as part of the there-for-trees project. In Uster, two school classes will be involved in planting about 100 trees on 25 and 26 March. This will additionally serve as an important contribution to local biodiversity.

In the forest south-east of Uster, a total of 35 schoolchildren can look forward to a day full of experiences and learning on the 25th of March and the 26th of March. They will not only plant trees and help reforest the forest, they will also prepare the areas and pile up piles of sticks. An enormous number of insects will be able to find a home there and boost the biodiversity of the forest. All this serves a healthy forest and is very valuable for the climate and the environment.

Translated with (free version)

In the forest south-east of Uster, a total of 35 schoolchildren can look forward to a day full of experiences and learning on the 25th of March and the 26th of March. They will not only plant trees and help reforest the forest, they will also prepare the areas and pile up piles of sticks. An enormous number of insects will be able to find a home there and boost the biodiversity of the forest. All this serves a healthy forest and is very valuable for the climate and the environment.

The teacher of both classes is delighted about the outdoor experiences her pupils will have: "With there-for-trees, we are expanding our climate change lessons to include reforestation and biodiversity. Working on these topics not only theoretically, but also practically in the forest is extremely exciting for our pupils." The planting will take place under the guidance of forester Benjamin Kistner, who is fully committed to the project and is looking forward to the days with the young people in nature. The pupils have studied climate change in detail in class and can now experience a practical conclusion to the topic: becoming active themselves and getting to know the work in the forest.

We are very happy about the launch of there-for-trees and the first plantings. Once again, many thanks to all the donors who make all of this possible.

The first there-for-trees plantings - a big thank you for the donations!

The there-for-trees project, launched in 2020, makes an important contribution to climate protection and is being implemented with the first 5 tree planting days in Arosa, Frutigen and Uster - further plantings are planned.

After the launch of there-for-trees in 2020, the first tree plantations can be carried out in spring 2021 - taking into account special COVID-19 precautions. Thus, there-for-trees will make a first small but important contribution to reducing CO2 and helping to limit global warming.

The first 5 plantings will be carried out in Arosa, Frutigen and Uster in cooperation with local schools, foresters and municipalities. The planting days can be carried out thanks to the donations of more than CHF 25,000 received so far - including large donations and cooperations with the Rahn Group and DIVAS Asset Management AG. Depending on the location and local conditions, oaks, poplars, silver willows and many other tree species will be planted. In addition to the plantings, the transfer of knowledge in the classroom also plays a central role; the pupils deal with the issues of the climate and the environment in a number of ways.

At the moment, further plantings for 2021 are in planning. there-for-trees is collecting donations of CHF 15,000 in order to implement further tree planting days. Donate to there-for-trees and become active against climate change!

Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
Life Terra 7'120,00 CHF
Jane Goodall Institut Schweiz 15'000,00 CHF
Lili 10,00 CHF
Anonymous 230,00 CHF
Stiftung Spitzenflühli 8'140,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Martin Laubacher 100,00 CHF
Jacques Kaenel 270,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
Graubündner Kantonalbank 990,00 CHF
Urs Tschannen 180,00 CHF
Andrea Cathomas Jenny 260,00 CHF
Katrin und Daniel Scheiwiller 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 205,00 CHF
Anonymous 2'500,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Helga Dancke 105,00 CHF
Susi Moser 60,00 CHF
Event "Empower Nature" 300,00 CHF
Paul Brodmann 100,00 CHF
Carlo Pyschik 140,00 CHF
Lili und Balou 10,00 CHF
Anonymous 15,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Simona Pavlovic 75,00 CHF
Aglobis AG 1'350,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Anonymous 12'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 15,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 1,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Dania Kilek 15,00 CHF
Yvonne und Peter Imholz Stiftung 2'400,00 CHF
Anonymous 19,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Lichtenstein Wärme 650,00 CHF
Elex 650,00 CHF
Quooker 650,00 CHF
Dania Kilek 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 25,00 CHF
AVM Solutions 200,00 CHF
Dania Martelli 10,00 CHF
Dania Martelli 10,00 CHF
Emanuela Bale 16,00 CHF
AVM Engineering 650,00 CHF
Anonymous 13,00 CHF
Laura Schuon 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 2,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Aljoscha Bremauer 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Elsbeth Gallusser 225,00 CHF
Anonymous 11,00 CHF
UMB AG 2'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
AVM Solutions 100,00 CHF
007 9,00 CHF
Anonymous 5'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 35,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 1,00 CHF
Anonymous 8,00 CHF
Bühler AG 5'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 1,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 74,00 CHF
Anonymous 2,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Sofia K 9,00 CHF
Bianca Braun 500,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
Hans Eberle AG 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 2,00 CHF
007 37,00 CHF
Jane Goodall Institut Schweiz 5'000,00 CHF
Footprints for the Future 103,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 4,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Daniela Morf 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Fabienne Dobler 410,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Claudia Oberle 155,00 CHF
Anonymous 2'500,00 CHF
Ducksch Anliker AG 1'000,00 CHF
AVM Solutions AG 200,00 CHF
Adrian Wildenauer 100,00 CHF
Susi Moser 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 2,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
DIVAS Asset Management AG 4'300,00 CHF
Schüler/innen der OS Wünnewil 4'500,00 CHF
Lorena Hug 1,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
AVM Solutions AG 200,00 CHF
OYM 1'000,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
RAHN-Group 5'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 2,00 CHF
One Tree Planted 1'653,00 CHF
dima & partner ag 1'000,00 CHF
Juan Manuel Martinez 440,00 CHF
Global Real Estate Run 5'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Bühler AG 5'000,00 CHF
Fabrice Mugnier 460,00 CHF
Schulen St. Michael Zug 1'750,00 CHF
Glarner Regionalbank 2'500,00 CHF
Stämpfli AG 1'250,00 CHF
Susi Moser 100,00 CHF
Bianca Winzeler 50,00 CHF
Jane Goodall Institut Schweiz 5'000,00 CHF
Bassi Elektro AG 15'000,00 CHF
Schulen St. Michael Zug AG 972,41 CHF
Anonymous 25,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
Helmuth Grepper 330,00 CHF
Anonymous 175,00 CHF
Andreas Rüedi 250,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Willem Nijmolen 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 155,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Michael Riesen 25,00 CHF
Ralf Bremauer 110,00 CHF
Elisabeth 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
RAHN-Group 15'000,00 CHF
ARGE AALP 1'000,00 CHF
One Tree Planted 8'550,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Stiftung Carelink 2'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
Björn Engeli 100,00 CHF
Susi Moser 100,00 CHF
Goldbach Group AG 250,00 CHF
Susi Moser 150,00 CHF
SVIT Zürich 2'500,00 CHF
Susi Moser 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Global Real Estate Run 5'000,00 CHF
Quirin Simeon 5,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
Goldbach 5'000,00 CHF
Spendenaktion der Schule Watt 1'806,70 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Jenny Hug 2,00 CHF
Janosch Bremauer 10,00 CHF
KMU Checkup Nachhaltigkeit 2'500,00 CHF
LIBS 2'500,00 CHF
UMB 2'500,00 CHF
Eleanor McSweeney 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 25,00 CHF
Max Voegtli 25,00 CHF
Claudio Föhn 50,00 CHF
Marion Schmitz 50,00 CHF
Andrea Mende 25,00 CHF
Pascal Jenny 100,00 CHF
Jennifer Hug 10,00 CHF
Johanna Lindenstruth 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 25,00 CHF
Esther Widmer 100,00 CHF
Christine Truppe 25,00 CHF
Nils Voegtli 50,00 CHF
hanhartholz ag 300,00 CHF
Meter über Meer 2'500,00 CHF
DIVAS Asset Management AG 5'000,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
Nicole Leuzinger 145,00 CHF
Anonymous 375,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
Susi Moser 50,00 CHF
Arosa Bärenland 2'500,00 CHF
Doris Bücheli 25,00 CHF
Erbengemeinschaft Sollberger 530,00 CHF
Vermittelt durch Swisscom 175,00 CHF
Generis AG 2'500,00 CHF
Arosa Tourismus 1'500,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Eugster Roman 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Matthias Leuzinger 500,00 CHF
Jan Diener 150,00 CHF
Anonymous 15,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Markus Elsener 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
RAHN-Group 15'000,00 CHF
Jasmin Schad 25,00 CHF
Susi Moser 100,00 CHF
Bühler AG 5'000,00 CHF
Jasna Jovanovic 25,00 CHF
Michael Schopper 100,00 CHF
Erich Küng 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Global Real Estate Run 5'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Janosch Bremauer 15,00 CHF
Florence Pillet 25,00 CHF
Marion Schmitz 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 15,00 CHF
Marion Schmitz 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 25,00 CHF
Renato Bernhard 50,00 CHF
Nino 100,00 CHF
Sonja Kertész 50,00 CHF
RAHN-Group 15'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Karin Giger 150,00 CHF
Andrea Frech 100,00 CHF
Arlette Santschi 60,00 CHF
René Zgraggen 50,00 CHF
Deborah Guye 50,00 CHF
Daniel Zobrist 150,00 CHF
Andrea Cecilia Savva-Galli 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 25,00 CHF
Ramona Keller 100,00 CHF
Yeliz Obrist 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
LarAnna 50,00 CHF
Claudia Jaeggi 100,00 CHF
Victoria Siedentopf 60,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Manuela Frabetti 100,00 CHF
DIVAS Asset Management AG 10'000,00 CHF
Peter Burger 25,00 CHF
Regina Schmid 100,00 CHF
Nicole Brun 100,00 CHF
Gaby Moser 200,00 CHF
Janosch Bremauer 50,00 CHF
Jasna Jovanovic 25,00 CHF
Anonymous 15,00 CHF
Andrea Murer 100,00 CHF
Thomas Mörgeli 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Patrick Bachmann 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 3,00 CHF
Marion Schmitz 2,00 CHF
Marion Schmitz 10,00 CHF

Primary Partners