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Ukraine - delivery of relief supplies and reconstruction

Project SummaryThe people in Ukraine still need fast and uncomplicated help. Andreas can offer them this help. Support the people in this difficult time with a donation!
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Solidarity with Ukraine is shown all over the world. Many people donate to aid projects or provide direct assistance at the border, in addition to sanctions and peace rallies.
The former top athlete (freestyle aerials) and Olympian Andreas Isoz is starting an aid project together with Jonas Roth in February 2022. In cooperation with the Swiss donation platform, a fundraising campaign was launched within a few days.
The plan was to send a one-time aid shipment worth CHF 10,000, which resulted in a project with 11 trips directly to Ukraine so far. To date, donations of over CHF 450,000 have been received. Many thanks! All of these donations have already been used for relief supplies. However, our project continues and the next deliveries are already planned.
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It is important for us to supply the material that is needed most at the moment. Depending on the course of the war, the need can change very quickly. Therefore, we always coordinate with our contacts (friends and acquaintances through Freestyle Aerials) on the ground and can thus react quickly and easily to the new situations.
Many people live in destroyed or heavily damaged buildings. Often the water, electricity and energy supply is interrupted or in some cases even completely destroyed. Therefore, these families are dependent on our support! In addition to material supplies, especially medical goods, we also support here with immediate measures and help these families to rebuild.
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As a matter of principle, we do not forward funds directly to Ukraine. We deliver needed relief goods directly to Ukraine and also unload them on site. Whenever possible, we try to organise the emergency aid and reconstruction on site with local craftsmen. This way, the added value is created locally and the local craftsmen also receive the support they need.
Andreas and his team are continuing their tireless work by currently evaluating the needs of the people in Zaporizhia in order to prepare the next aid delivery. Zaporizhia is located in the south of Ukraine, not far from the front line. The city is home to Europe's largest nuclear facility, which has repeatedly come under fire. Recently, the Kakhovka Dam, a civilian dam near Zaporizhia, was blown up. Flooding occurred below the blown-up dam. The situation on the ground is extremely worrying. The new, already 12th lift, is expected to include important relief supplies for children as well as medical equipment. Now that all donations have been used up, the team faces the challenge of once again raising the necessary funds for this vital mission. Your donation can directly contribute to the realisation of this planned aid delivery and continue to bring hope to the hearts of those affected.
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Andreas Isoz, from Mettmenstetten
Jumpin owner
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Help for Ukraine: Tenth delivery of relief supplies planned!

We are currently preparing an important shipment of medical supplies to Zaporizhzhya. Help us now with your donation or by sharing our project to bring much needed aid to the local people.

We made our first aid delivery to Ukraine over 450 days ago. Since then, we have been there nine times. We have travelled over 20,000 kilometres and delivered goods worth approximately CHF 1.5 million. This was possible thanks to the generous donations of many people as well as the support of companies who helped us with free materials and transport. We are truly overwhelmed by the incredible support we have received from all of you. A heartfelt thank you!

During these nine trips we have learned a lot and gained impressive experiences. First of all, we helped especially at the border to Hungary. On the other trips, we travelled as far as Kiev, Butscha and Mykolajiw. The images we experienced there will probably remain in our memories forever. On these journeys we met many people who do not want to leave their homeland and want to continue on the ground.

And we also want to continue. Currently, we have a shipment of medical aid material that we would like to bring to Zaporizhzhya. We would like to supply a local hospital with a truck. Zaporizhzhya is located in the south of Ukraine, not far from the front. The city is home to the largest nuclear facility in Europe, which has repeatedly come under fire. Recently, the Kakhovka Dam, a civilian dam near Zaporizhzhya, was blown up. Flooding is now occurring below the blown dam. The situation on the ground is extremely worrying. We have already organised the transport from Hungary to Zaporizhzhya, the transport from Switzerland to Hungary is still in the planning stage.

In addition, we would like to deliver directly on site again ourselves. Our colleague Enver, the Ukrainian national coach of ski acrobatics, has already determined on site what is most urgently needed. If possible, we would like to make this delivery as soon as possible. We depend on your support for this!

Collecting donations is currently more difficult than at the beginning, which is understandable. Nevertheless, we ask for your support once again. If you know someone who could support us, or if you share this project and tell others about it, we would be very grateful. Every franc counts. Together we can make a direct contribution to alleviating the suffering in Ukraine. Thank you very much!

Seventh aid shipment arrives in Ukraine shortly before Christmas

Andreas Isoz and Jonas Roth have been helping the people in Ukraine for almost 9 months. Shortly before Christmas, they were able to bring the 7th delivery to Ukraine. Andreas Isoz describes his impressions in the video.

Last Sunday, we (Jonas Roth and Andreas Isoz) set off for Ukraine. After a short stopover in Warsaw, we went on to Kiev. It was a special atmosphere, as much of the city was completely dark due to the lack of electricity. On the second day, we continued to the Butscha region. There we visited three families in a small village that we had already visited in September. We were allowed to hand over relief goods to them, among other things we had a lot of thermal underwear from Odlo and warm blankets from Eskimo. We also supported the families in their reconstruction efforts. On the one hand with material, but also with financial means.

The remaining goods that were not distributed in Butscha were given to the Ukrainian national coach for ski acrobatics. He drove with this material to the war front in Luhansk. The goods are most urgently needed there. Especially medical supplies and generators are in great demand. In the meantime, he has fortunately returned to his family unharmed.

This aid project has now been running for 9 months. In this time, thanks to the support of numerous donors, we have already been able to carry out seven aid deliveries. Unfortunately, an end to the war is not yet in sight. Therefore, we will continue to collect donations and deliver relief supplies. By the way, our aid project can also be supported as part of the Weihnachtsaktion – with the purchase of a barbecue course, summer training with the Ski Aerials pros and/or the painting "journey to india".

I wish you all happy holidays and thank you once again for your support!


Realignment of the Ukraine aid project

People in Ukraine still need help. However, the nature of the support has changed - in parts of Ukraine, reconstruction is starting and preparations for winter are underway. We are helping the people of Ukraine with this too.

Since the launch of the project, we have raised over 327,000 Swiss francs. Thanks to your generosity and compassion for the people on the ground, we have already had the opportunity to deliver relief supplies to Ukraine six times. Initially, the deliveries were handed over at the border to Ukraine. But over time, we have been able to travel further and further inland with our partners and deliver our relief supplies directly to the affected people.

During these journeys, we have noticed that the need for relief goods changes constantly and sometimes at very short notice. Therefore, we always coordinate with our local contacts to find out what is needed most urgently. As the cold season is approaching and many houses are no longer habitable due to the war, the local people urgently need help to rebuild their houses. This is the only way they can survive the cold winter. Therefore, we have decided to organise emergency aid and reconstruction with local craftsmen.

In order to be able to carry out this reconstruction and further aid deliveries, especially of urgently needed medical supplies, we are still dependent on support. If you can, please help the people in this difficult time with a donation!

We would also like to remind you of our presentation on Wednesday, 26.10.2022 in Mettmenstetten. On the one hand, we will report about our impressions of the six journeys so far and on the other hand, how we would like to support the Ukrainian people in the future. Click here to register.

Many thanks and all the best

We continue the aid to Ukraine!

After we handed over the relief supplies in Ukraine on Sunday and Monday, it was clear to us: "that's not all". The people there need more help, and we want to provide it!

The relief action for the people in Ukraine over the past few days has made a lasting impression on my team and me. The people are fleeing and suffering from the war, they need more help. Seeing this with our own eyes has made us realize that we want to provide more support and help the people in the best possible way!

That is why we extend the project for another three weeks and collect additional donations. From the current donations there are still about 10% left after the first deliveries and we want to go to Ukraine again this Monday to hand over relief supplies.

The situation on the ground has changed, more and more people are arriving and it is also quite cold. Therefore, generators are now also needed to heat the older unheated shelters at least a little bit. In addition, of course, relief goods such as medicines, medical supplies, food, etc. are still needed. We want to get these goods and hand them over to the Ukraine again.

Above all, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your incredible support, also in the name of all our friends in Ukraine. This is what makes it possible to provide this help at all. For the new delivery we need support again, maybe you can give something again or share the project with your friends and acquaintances, so that we can help in the best possible way.

Thank you very much for your support and generosity!

Best regards

Your Iso and Team

First delivery of goods has been made

On Sunday we reached the Hungarian-Ukrainian border and could hand over our delivery of goods to our friends. Sportpanorama also reported about our aid project.

Yesterday we reached the Hungarian-Ukrainian border and could unload our 5 transport trucks in Ukraine. On site, a large sports hall was converted into a distribution center, there we met many helping hands. Although we had prepared ourselves for this trip, the picture that presented itself to us still made our hair stand on end: Endless lines of cars helping families, friends and strangers to escape; along the border, tents and campfires with improvised kitchenettes; people who had lost everything. During the drive back to Budapest, the cars were silent. All of our thoughts were with the Ukrainian people. In spite of everything, there was a great relief that the transfer worked out and we were able to help our sports friends. 

Today, Monday, we will again get new goods and buy and distribute food. Another update with photos and videos will follow.

Yesterday, Sportpanorama also reported about our action. Here you can watch the broadcast: Sportpanorama - Schweizer Tennishoffnung Dominic Stricker als Gast - Play SRF (From minute 11:29 follows the contribution to our project in german.).

Thank you very much for your great support.

Andreas & Team

You guys are amazing! Thanks a lot

The appeal for donations, which started on Tuesday, was much more successful than we could have dreamed after just half a day. The transport on Saturday can therefore be made with three more drivers.

Thursday evening: Barely two days after the launch of the fundraising appeal and we are speechless. I have made an incredible amount of phone calls. We have contacted companies, were further networked and were able to collect not only a huge amount of donations, but also many donations in kind, although we had not even called for it. We are very grateful for all your efforts and donations. Also a thank you to the team of, which supports all around and at any time.

Today, Friday, all the donations will be sorted and the vehicles loaded. Then we can start our way to the Hungarian border on Saturday morning with five instead of two as planned.

Thank you very much.

We will get back to you soon with another update.

Andreas & Team

Elsebeth Schönenberger 50,00 CHF
Michael Weber 242,00 CHF
Susanne Nieth 200,00 CHF
Beat Dinkel 100,00 CHF
Moni Henzler 5'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Susanne Bellmont 40,00 CHF
EKM Mediaberatung 500,00 CHF
Justas Suchina 50,00 CHF
Thomas Holland 50,00 CHF
Walter Rimensberger 500,00 CHF
Lukas Stucky 1'000,00 CHF
August Scheiwiller 200,00 CHF
Lucia Pinton 50,00 CHF
colette roth 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Monika Loder 200,00 CHF
Urs Nietlispach 200,00 CHF
Urs Glenck 300,00 CHF
Manfred Lorch 100,00 CHF
Thomas und Margrit Rüesch 7'000,00 CHF
Christophe Kalbermatten 500,00 CHF
Jacqueline Gasser 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
René und Susanne Hunziker 75,00 CHF
Roland Gächter 1'000,00 CHF
Denis Steinemann 200,00 CHF
Irene Rimensberger 500,00 CHF
Alfons Oskar Wunschheim 50,00 CHF
Markus Zimmermann 100,00 CHF
Beth Bayley 75,00 CHF
Edwin Ehrenbaum 300,00 CHF
Reto Fuchs 50,00 CHF
Cordula Kronewirth 50,00 CHF
Manfred Lorch 100,00 CHF
HBN International Edith Bernet, (Dani, Sabrina, Sarina, Oli, Andreas, Jacky & Familie ) 126,59 CHF
Claude Preter 150,00 CHF
Patrizia Blum-Wolf 1'000,00 CHF
Sandra Beeler 100,00 CHF
Markus Metzger 200,00 CHF
Sophie Frey 100,00 CHF
Karin Niklaus 200,00 CHF
Beat BÄR 100,00 CHF
pascal galeazzi 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
HBN International Edith Bernet, Dani, Sabrina, Sarina, Oli 226,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Dominique Wegener 100,00 CHF
Roman Suter 500,00 CHF
Daniela Lackner 200,00 CHF
Bernadette Dilger 500,00 CHF
Michael Sidler 2'000,00 CHF
O Oswald 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Christoph Woodtli 200,00 CHF
Michael Morger 200,00 CHF
Lukas Stucky 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Moni Henzler 5'000,00 CHF
Hausarztpraxis Dr. Stöckli 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Maya Burkhard 100,00 CHF
Stefan Gasser 200,00 CHF
Angelo Gramatica 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Janosch Bremauer 50,00 CHF
Daniel Theiler 1'000,00 CHF
Martin Laubacher 100,00 CHF
Florian Hoffmann 30,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
David Bürkler 100,00 CHF
Ursin Dosch 50,00 CHF
Dario Vollenweider 100,00 CHF
Martina Boss 50,00 CHF
Hotz Technik GmbH 400,00 CHF
Nicole von Moos 50,00 CHF
Stephan Nussbaumer 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 150,00 CHF
Livia Fontana 42,20 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Andrea Grenacher 42,20 CHF
Nadja Wintsch 84,39 CHF 421,95 CHF
Laurence Lhommel 421,95 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Irene Rimensberger 421,95 CHF
Anonymous 210,98 CHF
Jacqueline Gasser 421,95 CHF
Lisanne Kuhn 84,39 CHF
Markus und Junko Bigler 210,98 CHF
Peter Bärtschi 168,78 CHF
Marco Juen 421,95 CHF
Nicole Oberholzer 126,59 CHF
Andreas Heiniger 126,59 CHF
Denis Steinemann 210,98 CHF
Thomas Lambert 84,39 CHF
Bau4you AG 421,95 CHF
Cecilia Betancourt 105,49 CHF
Vergani 210,98 CHF
Stephan Nussbaumer 421,95 CHF
Hanspeter Isoz 421,95 CHF
Irene & Ramon Kiefer 253,17 CHF
Caroline Biel 421,95 CHF
Helena Ferrari 210,98 CHF
Christian Schulthess 42,20 CHF
Christian Curschellas 84,39 CHF
Hubert Annen 210,98 CHF
Markus Schönbächler 210,98 CHF
Albert Merz 843,90 CHF
Christoph Perreten 126,59 CHF
Monika Loder 421,95 CHF
Daniel Weiss 421,95 CHF
Christine Nick 253,17 CHF
Daniela Lackner 421,95 CHF
Müller.Bucher AG 210,98 CHF
Barbara Kuhn 210,98 CHF
Lisa Schumacher 84,39 CHF
Christian Marty 126,59 CHF
Manuela Schönbächler 421,95 CHF
Christian Kaufmann 210,98 CHF
Beat und Corinne BÄR 126,59 CHF
Claude Preter 126,59 CHF
Andrea Brönnimann 84,39 CHF
H.R. Gessler 250,00 CHF
Lara Kaufmann 126,59 CHF
Fränzi Steffen 42,20 CHF
Sara Juen 210,98 CHF
Susanne Bellmont 42,20 CHF
Stefan Gasser 210,98 CHF
Oliver Isoz 210,98 CHF
Thomas Waltenspühl 210,98 CHF
Anonymous 42,20 CHF
Sibylle Schuler 84,39 CHF
Ronald Egli 126,59 CHF
Bettina Schiendorfer-Graf 210,98 CHF
Pirmin Werner 253,17 CHF
Vermittelt durch Swisscom 210,98 CHF
Flavio Gnos 42,20 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Janosch Bremauer 42,20 CHF
Noé Roth 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 84,39 CHF
Irene Brandolin 45,00 CHF
Pascal Jenny 421,95 CHF
Jacqueline Gasser 200,00 CHF
EKM Mediaberatung GmbH 632,93 CHF
Dominique Wegener 211,00 CHF
Fritz M. Kummer 200,00 CHF
Susi Moser 220,00 CHF
Markus Methner 500,00 CHF
Beat Dinkel 150,00 CHF
Othmar Stäheli 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Andreas Kiburz 50,00 CHF
Urs Glenck 200,00 CHF
Andreas Heiniger 100,00 CHF
Urs Nietlispach 150,00 CHF
Barbara Steiner 500,00 CHF
Daniel Hunziker 100,00 CHF
Lukas Stucky 1'000,00 CHF
Colette Roth 100,00 CHF
Barbara Kuhn 300,00 CHF
Michael Weber 200,00 CHF
Sandra Beeler 100,00 CHF
Lukas Rast 50,00 CHF
Armand Rochat 100,00 CHF
Chantal Casanova 100,00 CHF
Andrea Grenacher 25,00 CHF
Francesca Scholtes 100,00 CHF
Marcel Eicher 50,00 CHF
Manuela Arnold 100,00 CHF
Manuela Schönbächler 200,00 CHF
Stefan Gasser 200,00 CHF
Heidi Gelpke 500,00 CHF
Sibylle Schuler 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Karin Baer 250,00 CHF
steger design & modellbau 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 150,00 CHF
Beat Brechbuehl 10'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
August Scheiwiller 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Roland Schuler 400,00 CHF
Andreas Kyburz 250,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Patrizia Blum-Wolf 1'000,00 CHF
Ingo Knöll 80,00 CHF
Christoph Oberhänsli 100,00 CHF
Marco Walter 50,00 CHF
Markus Bigler 250,00 CHF
Othmar Oeler 100,00 CHF
Gabi Lagler 200,00 CHF
Daniel Jungi 50,00 CHF
Eva Bänninger 50,00 CHF
Ebelina Annette Schansker 200,00 CHF
Michael Morger 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Christophe Kalbermatten 500,00 CHF
Lukas Stucky 1'000,00 CHF
Roman Suter 500,00 CHF
Susanne Bellmont 50,00 CHF
Monika Loder 500,00 CHF
Helena Ferrari 500,00 CHF
Massimo Ferrari 500,00 CHF
Lou Staub 20,00 CHF
Hansruedi Wirth 500,00 CHF
Edwin Ehrenbaum 100,00 CHF
Martin Laubacher 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Denis Steinemann 200,00 CHF
Brit Schönenberger 100,00 CHF
Armand Rochat 100,00 CHF
Moni Henzler 5'000,00 CHF
Kirsten Melliger 50,00 CHF
Tina Inglin 100,00 CHF
Walter Rimensberger 500,00 CHF
Roland Schneggenburger 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
christoph woodtli 100,00 CHF
Hans Wüthrich 100,00 CHF
Bruno Hari 2'500,00 CHF
Anonymous 400,00 CHF
Anonymous 5'000,00 CHF
Manuela Schönbächler 100,00 CHF
Silvia Trinkler 100,00 CHF
Isabella Gut 50,00 CHF
Lucia Harnischberg 500,00 CHF
David Egli 50,00 CHF
Urs Glenck 500,00 CHF
Margit und Gusti Bracher 300,00 CHF
Christine Woolgar 50,00 CHF
Beat Rebsamen 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Markus Höhn 100,00 CHF
Robert Wagner 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Urs Nietlispach 100,00 CHF
Urs Oswald 1'000,00 CHF
Claudia Bütler 100,00 CHF
Regula Graf 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Françoise Verdon 50,00 CHF
Stefan Brütsch 100,00 CHF
Jacqueline Gasser 200,00 CHF
Barbara Kuhn 200,00 CHF
Christine Süess 200,00 CHF
Sandra Niedermann 100,00 CHF
Tamara Bucher 200,00 CHF
Fabian Metz 200,00 CHF
Bernadette Dilger 500,00 CHF
Michael Weber 200,00 CHF
Manuela Müller 300,00 CHF
Business Club Albis 4'000,00 CHF
Wolfram Schneggenburger 50,00 CHF
EKM Mediaberatung GmbH 500,00 CHF
Sophie Frey 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 22,00 CHF
Stefan Gasser 100,00 CHF
Lions Club Knonaueramt 1'000,00 CHF
Rico Perl 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Denis Steinemann 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Daniela Lackner 500,00 CHF
steger design & modellbau 200,00 CHF
Denise Solka 500,00 CHF
Irene Rimensberger 500,00 CHF
Daniel Weiss 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Urs Glenck 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Roman Suter 500,00 CHF
Gabriela Lustenberger 200,00 CHF
Verena Tobler 500,00 CHF
Jacqueline Gasser 200,00 CHF
Ursula Erhart 100,00 CHF
pascal galeazzi 100,00 CHF
Martha Renggli 50,00 CHF
Lukas Porro 250,00 CHF
Regula Graf 100,00 CHF
Bernadette Dilger 100,00 CHF
Colette Roth 100,00 CHF
Martin Laubacher 100,00 CHF
Michele Zimmermann 100,00 CHF
Christian Schulze 10,00 CHF
Nicole Oberholzer 50,00 CHF
Jörg Christen 100,00 CHF
Markus Metzger 200,00 CHF
Monika Loder 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Nathalie Herzog 50,00 CHF
Nives Sidler 100,00 CHF
Chimie Kramer 50,00 CHF
Tsepella Sartory 100,00 CHF
Oliver Isoz 200,00 CHF
Robert Wagner 100,00 CHF
Beatrice Seeberger 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Christian Kaufmann 100,00 CHF
Comunione Ereditaria Aloisa Censi 400,00 CHF
Mario Passerini 370,00 CHF
Thomas & Margrit Rüesch 2'000,00 CHF
Richard Blau 100,00 CHF
Barbara Steiner 100,00 CHF
Stöff Roth 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Karin Baer 250,00 CHF
Stoff Roth 70,00 CHF
Christoph Roth, Rifferswil 100,00 CHF
Susanne D‘Acierno 100,00 CHF
Stöff Geburi 993,50 CHF
Märe 100,00 CHF
Veronika Nussbaumer 100,00 CHF
Stöff 70Geburi 200,00 CHF
Stöff Roth 120,00 CHF
Jeannette Büchel 100,00 CHF
Cordula Kronewirth 150,00 CHF
Hans-Martin Fischer 100,00 CHF
Werner Kehrli 100,00 CHF
Walter Naef 100,00 CHF
Anna Geiger 150,00 CHF
Geburtstag Stöff Roth 100,00 CHF
Michael Morger 150,00 CHF
Annette Schansker 150,00 CHF
Stöf Roth 100,00 CHF
Fabio Mercandetti 500,00 CHF
Jonas Roth 100,00 CHF
Dominique Vultier 200,00 CHF
Geburtstag Stöff 100,00 CHF
Gustav Bracher 100,00 CHF
Urs Glenck 500,00 CHF
Markus Schädler 200,00 CHF
EKM Mediaberatung GmbH 1'000,00 CHF
Urs Berwert 200,00 CHF
Andreas Heiniger 100,00 CHF
Alexandra Bär 100,00 CHF
Marcel Eicher 100,00 CHF
OLG Säuliamt 5'400,00 CHF
Livia Fontana 150,00 CHF
Ueli & Nadja Wintsch 150,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Susanne Nieth 100,00 CHF
Urs Fankhauser 100,00 CHF
William Wuerth 100,00 CHF
Beat Dinkel 100,00 CHF
Denis Steinemann 200,00 CHF
Ariane Reutemann 100,00 CHF
Hansruedi Wirth 1'000,00 CHF
Gabriela Stöckli 250,00 CHF
Gabriela Bistoletti-Schwarzenbach 60,00 CHF
Othmar Oeler 50,00 CHF
Margrit Thalmann 100,00 CHF
Urs Eichenberger 50,00 CHF
Peter Meier 100,00 CHF
Daniel Schneider 50,00 CHF
Samuel Fuhrimann 100,00 CHF
Roman Bosshart 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Susanne Bellmont 50,00 CHF
ALEXANDRA Wiederkehr 50,00 CHF
Eva Sundin 100,00 CHF
Michel Zurschmiede 50,00 CHF
Patrick Lafranchi 1'000,00 CHF
Jörg Christen 100,00 CHF
Florian Rettich 200,00 CHF
Natalie Spross 100,00 CHF
Christoph Jost 100,00 CHF
Guido Wolczek 500,00 CHF
Matthias Benno Real 500,00 CHF
Marianne Wettstein 500,00 CHF
Esther Betschart 100,00 CHF
David Peter 150,00 CHF
Kurtheiri Kubli 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 30,00 CHF
Janine Landolz 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Fabian Bettschart 25,00 CHF
Hanspeter Wyss 100,00 CHF
Manuela Schönbächler 300,00 CHF
Sven Lötscher 1'000,00 CHF
Hanspeter Isoz 400,00 CHF
Othmar Stäheli 200,00 CHF
Jacqueline Gasser 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 630,00 CHF
steger design & modellbau 200,00 CHF
EXPERTsuisse AG 2'500,00 CHF
Brack Immobilien AG 5'000,00 CHF
Raffaela Werner 100,00 CHF
Robert Wagner 100,00 CHF
Dario Vollenweider 200,00 CHF
Bettina Rinderknecht 100,00 CHF
Barbara Rankwiler 300,00 CHF
ITSIS GmbH 5'000,00 CHF
Dimitri Isler 100,00 CHF
Thomas Indermühle 150,00 CHF
Beatrix Gallati 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 450,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
die Mobiliar, Generalagentur Limmattal 1'000,00 CHF
Daniela Lovaglio 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Rahel Klauser 150,00 CHF
Martin Häberling 1'000,00 CHF
NathalieNathalie Zuberbühler 50,00 CHF
Lisanne Kuhn 100,00 CHF
Nadia Ravljen 100,00 CHF
Nathalie Arquint 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Erich Leutwyler 5'000,00 CHF
Andrea Grimm 100,00 CHF
Nicoletta Müller 100,00 CHF
Alexander Leu 50,00 CHF
Chrystel Brantschen 100,00 CHF
Pirmin Werner 250,00 CHF
Claudia Gut 100,00 CHF
Iris Garbade 100,00 CHF
Sarah Angst 50,00 CHF
Irene Rimensberger 500,00 CHF
Barbara Kuhn 500,00 CHF
Denise Solka 500,00 CHF
Daniel Schnyder 100,00 CHF
Max Büchler 2'000,00 CHF
ITZ Isolationstechnik AG 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 580,00 CHF
Diana Fäh 50,00 CHF
Christophe Kalbermatten 500,00 CHF
Peter Gähler 200,00 CHF
Stefan Gasser 100,00 CHF
Hubert Annen 100,00 CHF
Désirée Gediga 100,00 CHF
Alexander von Euw 100,00 CHF
Heidi Roth 1'200,00 CHF
Anonymous 150,00 CHF
Markus und Junko Bigler 250,00 CHF
Janine Loher 50,00 CHF
Daniel Weiss 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Silvia Trinkler 200,00 CHF
Dominique und Dani, Weihnachtsgeschenk 500,00 CHF
Roland Schneggenburger 100,00 CHF
andrea lanz 50,00 CHF
Sophie Frey 100,00 CHF
Michael Stadler 100,00 CHF
Lukas Porro 306,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
August Scheiwiller 350,00 CHF
Bettina L. 50,00 CHF
EKM Mediaberatung GmbH 500,00 CHF
Daniela Lackner 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Dmitriy Kavunov 100,00 CHF
Jaël Wyler 100,00 CHF
Boris Ritter 50,00 CHF
Martina, Regula, Andreas, Angela 400,00 CHF
BVS Verpackungs-Systeme AG 1'500,00 CHF
Claudia & René Christen 100,00 CHF
Brigitte & Peter Bärtschi 300,00 CHF
Yara Ledergerber 100,00 CHF
Maria Steger 50,00 CHF
Romanä Suter 420,00 CHF
Andreas Heiniger 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Urs Oswald 1'000,00 CHF
Andreas Isoz 110,00 CHF
Hansruedi Wirth 300,00 CHF
Manuela Schneebeli 200,00 CHF
Walter Rimensberger 500,00 CHF
Esther Eicher 100,00 CHF
Kaiser Optik GmbH 150,00 CHF
Martin Laubacher 50,00 CHF
steger design & modellbau 200,00 CHF
Guitarschool Affoltern am Albis 700,00 CHF
Tristan Nyfeler 320,00 CHF
Daniela Lackner 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 290,00 CHF
Hansruedi Wirth 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 210,00 CHF
Moni Henzler 5'000,00 CHF
Sophie Frey 200,00 CHF
Anlässlich meines 80.Geburtstag Geld gesammelt 260,00 CHF
Hansruedi Wirth 400,00 CHF
Andi Dubs 50,00 CHF
Daniela Arnold 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 30,00 CHF
Bernhard Schneider 100,00 CHF
Corinne Susanek 100,00 CHF
Denise Solka 300,00 CHF
Roman Suter 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Gabi Lagler 100,00 CHF
Susi Moser 100,00 CHF
Bausoft Informatik AG 2'000,00 CHF
Jerry Myers 100,00 CHF
Hansruedi Wirth 500,00 CHF
Gewerbeverein Mettmenstetten 400,00 CHF
clinTonics 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Break / ClinTonics 10'503,00 CHF
FC Neuenhof 1'000,00 CHF
Hubert Annen 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 400,00 CHF
Anonymous 800,00 CHF
Sophie Frey 200,00 CHF
Daniel Hunziker 100,00 CHF
Familienclub Affoltern am Albis 750,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Martina Hartmann 200,00 CHF
Judith Müller 100,00 CHF
Christian Ritschard 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Firma Wolf (Schweiz) AG und Mitarbeiter 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Evelyn Lampreu-Rupf 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Kyburz Feinmechanik AG 300,00 CHF
Fabienne Duperrex 150,00 CHF
Verena Praxmarer 100,00 CHF
Beth Bayley 150,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Brigitte Manz 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Salomon Schneider 300,00 CHF
Jacinta Solèr 100,00 CHF
Christine Stalder Süess 200,00 CHF
Stefan Klauser 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 400,00 CHF
Jennifer Nüesch 300,00 CHF
Barbara Christen 50,00 CHF
Thomas Böbner 100,00 CHF
Erich Leutwyler 2'000,00 CHF
Martina Caluori 100,00 CHF
Karin Remmes 100,00 CHF
Neo und Yuna Klauser 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 175,00 CHF
Markus Metzger 100,00 CHF
Susanna Kley 100,00 CHF
Wolfi Schneggenburger 100,00 CHF
Chris M. 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Anonymous 15'000,00 CHF
Samuel Schwarzer 100,00 CHF
Marion Zurbriggen 100,00 CHF
Urs Glenck 1'000,00 CHF
Boog & Partner AG 1'000,00 CHF
Ariane Reutemann 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 3'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 3'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 3'000,00 CHF
Jacqueline Gasser 200,00 CHF
Andrea Maul 100,00 CHF
Urs Oswald 1'000,00 CHF
Annelies Büchler 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Rasminka GmbH 500,00 CHF
Andreia Lehmann 620,00 CHF
Andreas Mohni 100,00 CHF
Michael von Allmen 50,00 CHF
Ann-Katrin Frick 200,00 CHF
Fjóla Hliddal 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Alexander Willborn 100,00 CHF
Gabriela Bistoletti 154,00 CHF
Anonymous 35,00 CHF
Bernadette Dilger 500,00 CHF
Dominik Bühlmann 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 30,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Ralph Schneider 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Diana Fäh Mosimann 50,00 CHF
Ruedi Köfler 100,00 CHF
Andri Oertli 100,00 CHF
Stefanie Wyss 50,00 CHF
Benjamin und Jeannine Hotz 500,00 CHF
Daniel Wermuth 100,00 CHF
Andreas Baumann 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 460,00 CHF
Wolfram Schneggenburger 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Martin Laubacher 50,00 CHF
Andreas Heiniger 100,00 CHF
Dominique Wegener 100,00 CHF
Erich Leutwyler 1'000,00 CHF
Geburtstagsspende Brigitte Manz 150,00 CHF
Colette Roth 200,00 CHF
MArkus Michel 50,00 CHF
Michelle Kaufmann 50,00 CHF
Claudia Fellmann 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Armand Rochat 100,00 CHF
Christian Federer 100,00 CHF
Manu Müller 100,00 CHF
Manuela Müller 100,00 CHF
Margareth Koller 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Maja Silja Bobst-Rohrer 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Roman Suter 200,00 CHF
Sandra Kuoni 100,00 CHF
Pascal Galeazzi 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Marisa Gut 200,00 CHF
Susi Moser 200,00 CHF
Markus Schwendeler 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Marc Suess 500,00 CHF
Nicole Huwyler 100,00 CHF
christoph woodtli 100,00 CHF
EKM Mediaberatung GmbH 1'500,00 CHF
Hansruedi Meili 200,00 CHF
Bertha Staub 250,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Sylvie 50,00 CHF
Christa Brunhart 50,00 CHF
sara juen 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Tamara Bucher 500,00 CHF
Anna Traber 100,00 CHF
Petra Graf 100,00 CHF
Nadine Hess 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Sophie Frey 200,00 CHF
Gesundheitszentrum Gut AG 700,00 CHF
Hansruedi Wirth 1'200,00 CHF
Anonymous 60,00 CHF
Heidi Brönnimann 350,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Katharina Juen 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Erich Leutwyler 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 20'500,00 CHF
Bruno Steinemann 500,00 CHF
Tamara Bucher 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
ruki Santanam 100,00 CHF
Khansourkea Preap 100,00 CHF
Katrin+Paul Moos 500,00 CHF
Hans Genser 50,00 CHF
Giordano Agustoni 310,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Anonymous 10'000,00 CHF
Julia Vogel 100,00 CHF
Monika Studer-Elsener 100,00 CHF
Markus Freiburghaus 1'000,00 CHF
Urs Schönbächler 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Reto Käppeli 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Katja Lewis 50,00 CHF
Margrit Schneider 100,00 CHF
Max Iten 200,00 CHF
Seraina Wiser 100,00 CHF
Alex Maurer 100,00 CHF
Andrea Jutzi 100,00 CHF
Nadja Wintsch 200,00 CHF
Urs Oswald 1'000,00 CHF
Flavio Bezzola 1'000,00 CHF
Luca Contino 20,00 CHF
Michele Zimmermann 100,00 CHF
Karin Gut 50,00 CHF
Sabrina Decurtins 50,00 CHF
Nicole Trachsel 300,00 CHF
Patricia Villiger-Waldispühl 200,00 CHF
Vreni Spinner 500,00 CHF
Madeleine Krause 300,00 CHF
Franziska Reber 50,00 CHF
Jennifer Kossow 200,00 CHF
Hans Peter Schneebeli 500,00 CHF
Sonja van Binsbergen 50,00 CHF
Lilo Weiss 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Michele Steiner-Rohrbach 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Karin Niklaus 200,00 CHF
Roman Suter 100,00 CHF
Moni Henzler 5'000,00 CHF
Graham Lang 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Esther schneiter 100,00 CHF
Andrea Bättig 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Valeria Lopez 200,00 CHF
Miho Koch 50,00 CHF
Susi Moser 100,00 CHF
Sabine Sidler 100,00 CHF
Hansjörg Fenner 200,00 CHF
Bruno Meier 300,00 CHF
Regula Graf 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Monica Roth 50,00 CHF
Renate Tobler 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Ralph Baur 150,00 CHF
Martina Murer 150,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Spyre Bar 1'080,00 CHF
Sabine Hegetschweiler 100,00 CHF
Sandy Höllrigl 100,00 CHF
Vanessa Koffel 100,00 CHF
Katrin Gerber 100,00 CHF
Jakob Beer 200,00 CHF
Ursi Albin 100,00 CHF
Brigitta Glessmann 50,00 CHF
Ueli & Sandra Köfler Köfler Holzbau 1'000,00 CHF
Danila Stoffel 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 5'000,00 CHF
rebcon GmbH 400,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Flavio Bezzola 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Markus Büchel 100,00 CHF
Linda vucenovic-yokoyama 100,00 CHF
Granit Kabashi 50,00 CHF
Brian Currutt 50,00 CHF
Damenturnverein Hedingen 250,00 CHF
Emanuel Gisi 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Elisabeth Wettstein 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Anonymous 300,00 CHF
Lorena Carretero 100,00 CHF
Sarah Lucas 30,00 CHF
Vreni Frick 100,00 CHF
Fredy Rast 100,00 CHF
Moritz Meisl 20,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Nicole Kundert 50,00 CHF
Allison Treleaven 50,00 CHF
Armand Rochat 50,00 CHF
Stefan Gasser 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Ilona Stoffel 20,00 CHF
Filzlis & Berthold 150,00 CHF
Gabriela Frick 200,00 CHF
Stefan Kopainsky 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Rosmarie Küng 100,00 CHF
Stefan Scheiber 100,00 CHF
Cecilia Betancourt 100,00 CHF
Simona Rissi 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Michael Leuthold 50,00 CHF
Daniel + Barbara Wyss 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Denise Schwaninger 50,00 CHF
Markus Fleischli 50,00 CHF
Roland Huber 100,00 CHF
Doris Huber 50,00 CHF
Rita Messerli 50,00 CHF
Cristina Baldasarre 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Jessie Mayo 100,00 CHF
Zac Amidan 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Emily Cook 2'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Familie Ludwigs 500,00 CHF
Irene Brandolin 100,00 CHF
Silvia Amsler 80,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Ursula Wegmann 200,00 CHF
Karin Furrer 150,00 CHF
Eugène Bento 250,00 CHF
Sandra De Luigi 100,00 CHF
Claudia Bonsack 50,00 CHF
Esther Eicher 200,00 CHF
Irene Rimensberger 500,00 CHF
Patrick Morand 100,00 CHF
Lilian Da Rugna 50,00 CHF
Claudia Walser 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Brigitta Wüthrich 100,00 CHF
Daniel Grassl 100,00 CHF
Paul Needham 30,00 CHF
Britta Studer 100,00 CHF
Chiara Badesso 20,00 CHF
Daniel Häfelin 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Patrizia Stalder 50,00 CHF
Andreas Heiniger 100,00 CHF
Barbara Wengert 100,00 CHF
Kristina Louise Hetherington 500,00 CHF
Franziska Bass 100,00 CHF
Esther Siegwart 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anna Fraser Sproule 50,00 CHF
Peter Moser 100,00 CHF
Refija Ceric 50,00 CHF
Jonathan Vellner 1'000,00 CHF
Sandra Cannone 100,00 CHF
Pierre Forget 100,00 CHF
Alida & Jusuf Zulji 80,00 CHF
Melanie Vollenweider 100,00 CHF
Dominik Lischer 100,00 CHF
Claudia Spörri 50,00 CHF
Brigitte Blickenstorfer 50,00 CHF
Marko Röder 250,00 CHF
Dominique Wegener 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Walter und Brigitte Thoma 50,00 CHF
Binz 100,00 CHF
Priska Durrer 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Monika Loder 500,00 CHF
Martin Kundert 100,00 CHF
Christian Hassler 111,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Christine Suter 50,00 CHF
Jeannette 50,00 CHF
René Zeier 500,00 CHF
Désirée Hegetschweiler 50,00 CHF
Susanne Bachmann 100,00 CHF
Erich Leutwyler 1'000,00 CHF
Andrea Nydegger 50,00 CHF
Frieda Waldispühl Zindel 300,00 CHF
1a hunkeler fenster AG 3'000,00 CHF
Severin Schmid 400,00 CHF
Anonymous 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Noemi Schurtenberger 50,00 CHF
Balz und Bernadette Ettmüller und Kunz 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Sonja Müller 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Mathias Lopian 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Bigna Weber 100,00 CHF
Vahira Mohan 50,00 CHF
Gerry Fässler 100,00 CHF
Pablo Schaffner 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
rosy + Fredi Knobel 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 30,00 CHF
Vera Albinus 50,00 CHF
Margrit Colangelo 100,00 CHF
Andy Dietrich 1'000,00 CHF
Chantal und Peter Dietrich 500,00 CHF
Olivia 50,00 CHF
Barbara Christen 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 150,00 CHF
Tiziana Gallizia 100,00 CHF
Beatrice Seeberger 500,00 CHF
Sindy Dockheer 50,00 CHF
Marion Fleischli 50,00 CHF
BVS Verpackungs Systeme AG 5'000,00 CHF
Verena Frangi 200,00 CHF
Martín Hassler 100,00 CHF
Xenia Steiner 100,00 CHF
Emil Weibel 100,00 CHF
Rolf Küng 100,00 CHF
Reto Grimm 100,00 CHF
Arlene Seydoux 100,00 CHF
Valentina Fruci 50,00 CHF
Jacqueline Fellmann 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Claudio Ferrari 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Bruno Rosenberger 150,00 CHF
Renate & Walter Stauffacher 500,00 CHF
Marco Walter 50,00 CHF
Monika Kapp 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Peter Gähler 100,00 CHF
Marc Rudin 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Lukas Porro 250,00 CHF
Bettina Gyr 100,00 CHF
Gisela Zimmermann 200,00 CHF
Nadine Santschi 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Annina Steiner 200,00 CHF
UMB Winning Team
Mirjam Gebhardt 100,00 CHF
Tobi Krähenbühl 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
sarah werder 200,00 CHF
Mareike Will 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Angela Pfister 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Feuz Rosmarie und Ruedi, Lindenbachstrasse 3, 8912 Obfelden 200,00 CHF
Thierry Trafelet 50,00 CHF
Nina Dinkel 100,00 CHF
Regula Stampfli 100,00 CHF
Susanne Federle 100,00 CHF
Liv Heinemann 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Clark Torgunrud 300,00 CHF
Priska Gruenwald 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Yves La Monica 50,00 CHF
Jana & Franco Ferrari 300,00 CHF
Daniela Suter 100,00 CHF
Eva Rotella 200,00 CHF
Nadine Stadelmann-Reichlin 100,00 CHF
Kerstin Gut 50,00 CHF
Ursi Erhart 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Barbara Stäheli 500,00 CHF
Irene Gut 100,00 CHF
Claudia Ungricht 100,00 CHF
Roget Gut 250,00 CHF
Daniel Baur 50,00 CHF
Katrin Scheiwiller 100,00 CHF
Andrea Gut 50,00 CHF
Käthi Gut 100,00 CHF
Kathrin Schilling 200,00 CHF
Kevin Ruff 100,00 CHF
Joena Di Giacomo 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Sandra+Alois Bucher 150,00 CHF
August Scheiwiller 150,00 CHF
Familie Bouvard-Rehm 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Sabrina Knecht 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 400,00 CHF
Maja und Daniel Gallmann-Wetli 150,00 CHF
Marcel Graf 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Gabi Lagler 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Remo Hess Cécile Waller 200,00 CHF
Thomas Holland 100,00 CHF
Marlen Häberling 123,00 CHF
Giulia&Nicola 100,00 CHF
Mathias Betz 100,00 CHF
Marco Caplazi 100,00 CHF
Roman Suter 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Maggie Gut 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Cornelia Ineichen 100,00 CHF
Fritz & Yvonne Hess 1'200,00 CHF
Verena Bitzi 500,00 CHF
Susanne Giger 100,00 CHF
Petra Dunkel 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Jassfrauen Arosa 400,00 CHF
Hansruedi Wirth 800,00 CHF
Bettina Mäder 100,00 CHF
Jan Schwald 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Fränzi Steffen 25,00 CHF
Franziska von Büren 100,00 CHF
V. & A. Pfister 100,00 CHF
Pascal 100,00 CHF
Maniac Lynxs Berlin 55,00 CHF
Antonio Oliva 50,00 CHF
Susanna Bottignole 100,00 CHF
Claudia Rieser 100,00 CHF
Rotary Club Zürich-Knonaueramt 2'000,00 CHF
Carina Krütli 200,00 CHF
Gabriela Lustenberger 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Barbara Haller 50,00 CHF
Marko Kozomara-Hocke 1'000,00 CHF
Familie Brandt 250,00 CHF
Claudio Cocca 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Noemi Ammann 100,00 CHF
Zehnder Söhne AG Yvonne Zehnder 500,00 CHF
Lilian Da Rugna 150,00 CHF
Fabienne Dobler 100,00 CHF
Nelly Nicollier 200,00 CHF
Andrea und Daniel Pfister 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 5,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Corinne Trottmann 50,00 CHF
Daniel Bussinger 50,00 CHF
Renato Rüede 500,00 CHF
Glaserei Piccini GmbH 500,00 CHF
Dario 100,00 CHF
Carmen Hoerner 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Fränzi Piccini 100,00 CHF
Silvia Wetter 100,00 CHF
Marco 100,00 CHF
Regula Tedaldi 100,00 CHF
Dimitry 50,00 CHF
Kay 100,00 CHF
Jasmin Beeler 1'000,00 CHF
Joel 50,00 CHF
anna zitzer 100,00 CHF
Angela Caplazi 100,00 CHF
Marica Seemayer 100,00 CHF
Lisa Kienast 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Putzfrauenagentur Schmid GmbH 100,00 CHF
E. Jud-Grau 200,00 CHF
Familie Wettstein 200,00 CHF
Trudi Andres 100,00 CHF
Esther Hagenbuch 250,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Stella, Solea, Sandra, Marco 1'780,00 CHF
Kurt Burkart 100,00 CHF
Jelen Seminare Gmbh 100,00 CHF
Trudi Funk 250,00 CHF
Natascha Wyss 100,00 CHF
Barbara Abt 500,00 CHF
Andrea Widmer 50,00 CHF
Alexandra und Bernd Meier 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Andrea Späti 100,00 CHF
ITZ Isolationstechnik AG 1'000,00 CHF
Andreas Isoz 92,00 CHF
Barbara Caratsch-Studer 500,00 CHF
SpielGolf Hämikerberg GmbH 500,00 CHF
Sascha Kaiser 100,00 CHF
Andrea Lanz 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Markus Wicki 100,00 CHF
Markus Schädler 200,00 CHF
Albert Merz 1'000,00 CHF
Raffaella Semedo 150,00 CHF
Nora Angehrn 100,00 CHF
Adrian Dinkelmann 50,00 CHF
Urs Gut 100,00 CHF
Jana Kramer 50,00 CHF
Faktor G 100,00 CHF
Sebastian Mann 50,00 CHF
Dennis Capicik 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Krzysztof Lipinski 500,00 CHF
Beni Grimm 200,00 CHF
Jaime Myers 200,00 CHF
Michael Walti 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Emily Cook 100,00 CHF
Benjamin Maletic 500,00 CHF
Manuela Weiss 100,00 CHF
R. Bischofberger AG 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 54,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Madeleine Hutter-Müller 200,00 CHF
Brigitte Senn 100,00 CHF
Marianne Mcalindon 200,00 CHF
Annika Widén 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 250,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Oliver Häberling 100,00 CHF
David Morris 200,00 CHF
Sada Zorzi 100,00 CHF
Peter von Moos 100,00 CHF
Wagner Schriften AG 200,00 CHF
Matthias Keller 500,00 CHF
Andreas Apitz 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Familie Diana&Romeo Linder 300,00 CHF
Agron Gergoci 50,00 CHF
Anja Gübeli 100,00 CHF
Peter von Moos 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Reto Vergani 250,00 CHF
Ezequiel Bosch 100,00 CHF
Christoph Eichenberger 200,00 CHF
Caroline Wüest 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Hans Hinnen 200,00 CHF
Michael Sidler 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Eveline Albrecht 50,00 CHF
thomas isenschmid 50,00 CHF
Belinda Suter 100,00 CHF
Cornelia + Markus Knecht 200,00 CHF
ehemaliger Frauenverein Rifferswil 500,00 CHF
Seraina Andreossi 100,00 CHF
Eveline Galeazzi 100,00 CHF
Steffi 200,00 CHF
Martin Wagner 100,00 CHF
Sonja Saugy 300,00 CHF
Michèle Isoz 100,00 CHF
Steffen Leo 500,00 CHF
Avedis Lutiger 100,00 CHF
Thomas Peter 300,00 CHF
Andreas Zindel 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Coiffure-P Baar 100,00 CHF
Karin Niklaus 200,00 CHF
Jacqueline Fuchs 200,00 CHF
Fabiola Biel 50,00 CHF
Rosetta Di Renzo 100,00 CHF
Sarah Kaelin 50,00 CHF
Beatrice Neidhart 50,00 CHF
Elisabeth Gygax 100,00 CHF
cordula stalder 50,00 CHF
Monika Wasenegger 100,00 CHF
Sonja Galli 50,00 CHF
Nathalie Herzog 100,00 CHF
Malea Hutmacher 6,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 250,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Monica Leva 50,00 CHF
Sandra Illi 100,00 CHF
Lizzie Schwegler-Ellis 100,00 CHF
Rene Gysi 100,00 CHF
Daniela Affeltranger 100,00 CHF
Colin Hutmacher 20,00 CHF
Nicole Grau 100,00 CHF
Martina Hartmann-Morgenroth 200,00 CHF
Manuela Belotti 100,00 CHF
Bauernhof Stöckweid 200,00 CHF
Katja Hois & Thomas Kehrli 100,00 CHF
Sarah Gisler 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Patrizia Corso 100,00 CHF
Jill Virgina Moser 40,00 CHF
Bea Brinkmann 50,00 CHF
Sarah & Urs Hutmacher 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Stefan Duss 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Andreas und Françoise Reber Verdon 50,00 CHF
Chantal und Robert Wagner 500,00 CHF
Sara & Philipp Stuckert 100,00 CHF
Hans Gessler 100,00 CHF
Thomas Manz 1'000,00 CHF
Barbara Kloetzli 100,00 CHF
Andrea Leuzinger und Pascal Walti 100,00 CHF
Richi Eschmann 100,00 CHF
Beatrice Müller 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Esther Zweifel 100,00 CHF
Marceline Iten 50,00 CHF
Sonja Hermann 20,00 CHF
Patrick Neeser 50,00 CHF
Thomas Leu 50,00 CHF
Urs Berwert 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Evi Halioua 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Sanna, Mikko, Holger und Cora 250,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Brigitte Vollenweider 50,00 CHF
Mark Eichmann 280,00 CHF
Fabian & Joceline 100,00 CHF
Francesca Scholtes 50,00 CHF
Maja Gallmann-Wetli 100,00 CHF
Sandra Dello Buono 50,00 CHF
smartec elektro ag 300,00 CHF
Jeanette Besmer 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Bettina Beyeler 500,00 CHF
Peter Suter 100,00 CHF
Jessica Suter 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Tanja Bühler 30,00 CHF
Myrtha Zingg 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Andrea Sarasin 100,00 CHF
Christoph Hefti 1'000,00 CHF
Pascal Schärer 50,00 CHF
Claudia Ruehr 200,00 CHF
Lucia Ulrich 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Manuela Abt 200,00 CHF
Nicole Gafner 200,00 CHF
Silvia Ortner 100,00 CHF
Die Immo Dienstleister GmbH René de Luigi 1'000,00 CHF
Christoph Zollinger 250,00 CHF
Lucia Harnischberg 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 1'000,00 CHF
Laura De Luigi 500,00 CHF
Corinne Clottu 100,00 CHF
Helena Ferrari 500,00 CHF
Barbara Meyer 250,00 CHF
Massimo Ferrari 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Theatergruppe Friesenberg, Zürich 500,00 CHF
Nina Kehrli 100,00 CHF
Mejdi Muji 100,00 CHF
Ruth Aegerter 50,00 CHF
Beth Bayley 100,00 CHF
Maria Rechfeld 100,00 CHF
Katharina Grenacher 50,00 CHF
Daniela Notter Moscatelli 50,00 CHF
Ursina Platz 100,00 CHF
Tamara Bucher 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Nadja Bänziger 100,00 CHF
Thomas, Christina, Leoni + Nevin Flach 110,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Noemi Trinkler 50,00 CHF
Martin + Silvana Kälin 200,00 CHF
Jean-Claude Bobst 100,00 CHF
Rene Cathrein 100,00 CHF
Thomas Jauner 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Susi Moser 100,00 CHF
Annelies Buechler 500,00 CHF
Zoé Bobst 100,00 CHF
Jasmin Iten 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Marcus Josty 100,00 CHF
Gian Vögele 100,00 CHF
Maja Bobst-Rohrer 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Gabriele Faccoli 500,00 CHF
Pascal Hartung 100,00 CHF
Morgane Mestry 30,00 CHF
Eva Bobst 100,00 CHF
Irene Kiefer 100,00 CHF
Michael Stadler 100,00 CHF
Judith Künzli 100,00 CHF
Noëlle Thomann 50,00 CHF
Daniel Zimmermann 250,00 CHF
Irena Känzig 10,00 CHF
Annegreth Bär 100,00 CHF
Nadine Clerc 30,00 CHF
Marco Tanner 100,00 CHF
Alain Luchsinger 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Irene und Chiara Brandolin 100,00 CHF
Leoni Vcelak 100,00 CHF
Marina McEvily 200,00 CHF
Giuseppe Contino 200,00 CHF
Ralph Pfaeffli 50,00 CHF
Sandra Contino 100,00 CHF
Ben Yoko Mike Michelle Rageth 100,00 CHF
Regula Hann 100,00 CHF
Christian Altorfer 50,00 CHF
Nadine Studer 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Theres Gantner 500,00 CHF
Claudia Grubenmann 30,00 CHF
Maya Burkhard 100,00 CHF
Conny Baumgartner 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Michael Nebroj 50,00 CHF
Martin & Barbara Bühler 200,00 CHF
Cyril Bösiger 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Familie Boss 150,00 CHF
Lara Binkert-Iten 100,00 CHF
Lloyd Wallace 100,00 CHF
Marc Schacher 20,00 CHF
Anonymous 250,00 CHF
Alexandra Gisler 50,00 CHF
Elisabeth Dietrich 100,00 CHF
Lukas Rast 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Jeanine Erni 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Lisa Schumacher 100,00 CHF
Madeleine Stadtmann 100,00 CHF
Familie Rufer-Büchi 50,00 CHF
Nicole Ehrler 100,00 CHF
Nadja Goldinger 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 30,00 CHF
Gabriela Bader 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Verena Tobler 500,00 CHF
Markus Alder 200,00 CHF
Patrick & Rahel Wicki 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Dalibor Duvnjak 200,00 CHF
Rita Gisler 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Sven Kauschus 50,00 CHF
Sarah Kohler 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Felicitas Wetli-Winiger 100,00 CHF
Mengia Schatt 100,00 CHF
Sonja Thurnherr 100,00 CHF
Patrick Rämi 50,00 CHF
Rita Röllin 100,00 CHF
simon strebel 100,00 CHF
Ueli Stauffacher 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 30,00 CHF
Cheyenne Kölliker 30,00 CHF
Urs Plankensteiner 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Antonella Cricri 50,00 CHF
Marina McEvily 50,00 CHF
Gymfit 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Manuela Keller-Sax 50,00 CHF
Stefan Flückiger 100,00 CHF
Marc Messerli 50,00 CHF
Jeannine Nicollier 200,00 CHF
Simon Achermann 100,00 CHF
Paul Von Holzen 500,00 CHF
Beatrix Senti 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Rahel Haldimann 200,00 CHF
Christian ritz 50,00 CHF
Claude Baur 250,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Victor Waldispühl 50,00 CHF
Luca Steger 100,00 CHF
Blanca Brandes 50,00 CHF
Janos Maurer 50,00 CHF
Christa Brunhart 50,00 CHF
Corinne Erb-Schaerer 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Melanie Voramwald 50,00 CHF
Claudia Meier 100,00 CHF
Melanie Hauser 50,00 CHF
Aldina Lüthi 100,00 CHF
Sally Lyon 50,00 CHF
Anita & Martin Huber 100,00 CHF
Markus Schärer 1'000,00 CHF
Lukas Schlauri 50,00 CHF
Noemi 100,00 CHF
Monika Matthys 100,00 CHF
Ursi Bächler 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 500,00 CHF
Simone Vogel 50,00 CHF
Monika Schäfli 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Jacinta Solèr 100,00 CHF
Patricia Zimmer 50,00 CHF
Julia Kluser 100,00 CHF
Regula Hassler 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Flurina Affentranger 100,00 CHF
Oliver Bär 50,00 CHF
Stephan Oetiker 50,00 CHF
Malina Grütter 150,00 CHF
Thomas Müller 300,00 CHF
Birgit Müller 100,00 CHF
Nicole Meyer 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anita Schläfli 100,00 CHF
Deschawü 50,00 CHF
Sandra Santoli 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Andrea Stäger 200,00 CHF
Thomas Klauser 50,00 CHF
Miryam Peduzzi 100,00 CHF
Maryna Pinchukova 100,00 CHF
Katharina Baier 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Philipp Brack 100,00 CHF
Olga Divoric Family 50,00 CHF
Irina Fuchs 100,00 CHF
Philipp Ufenast 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Izo 100,00 CHF
Valentina Albione 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
abbey willcox 50,00 CHF
Christian Gut 100,00 CHF
Manuela Müller 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Fabio Baumann 50,00 CHF
Tiziana Romeo 50,00 CHF
Pascale Odehnal 100,00 CHF
Fabienne Keller 50,00 CHF
Nicole Oberholzer 100,00 CHF
Freestyle Canada 500,00 CHF
Philip Nussbaumer 50,00 CHF
Patrick Bitterli 50,00 CHF
Andrin Schädler 50,00 CHF
Christian Marty 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Reto Abt 50,00 CHF
Leandra Thomann 100,00 CHF
Wolfgang Vogl 50,00 CHF
Cornelia Betschart 50,00 CHF
Kevin & Janine Leuthold 100,00 CHF
Sandra Binkert 200,00 CHF
Ilya 100,00 CHF
Andrea Christen 100,00 CHF
Nives Sidler 50,00 CHF
Dominik Rüegg 100,00 CHF
Alexandra Mettler 150,00 CHF
Moni Henzler 1'000,00 CHF
Fabienne Duperrex 100,00 CHF
Sybille & Otti Maag 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Patricia Waltenspuehl 50,00 CHF
Nico THEPAUT 200,00 CHF
petra valenghi 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Elia Digele 100,00 CHF
René Löliger 50,00 CHF
Stefan Löliger 50,00 CHF
Andrea Semadeni 100,00 CHF
Janine Imhof 500,00 CHF
Knirpsen Villa 500,00 CHF
Roger Scherer 100,00 CHF
Ruedi Trachse 100,00 CHF
Hilde Synnøve Lid 350,00 CHF
Nelleke Bos 100,00 CHF
Monika Weber-Riedi 100,00 CHF
Mario Müller 100,00 CHF
Manuela Arnold 250,00 CHF
Urs Lehmann 50,00 CHF
Claudia Loup 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 250,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 300,00 CHF
Anita Hunkeler 50,00 CHF
Michèle Steiner Rohrbach 1'000,00 CHF
Urs Richard 1'000,00 CHF
Sylva Nähler 100,00 CHF
Andrea Vock 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Helena Müller 100,00 CHF
Tanja Coppe 100,00 CHF
Andrea Brunner 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Beatrice Brun 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Bettina Can 50,00 CHF
Marisa Gut 100,00 CHF
Dajana Cochard 100,00 CHF
Francesco Alario 200,00 CHF
Linda und Lukas Kämpfer 100,00 CHF
Isabelle Hug 100,00 CHF
Igor Vukadin 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Evelyne Leu 100,00 CHF
Martin Leu 100,00 CHF
Denise Schilliger 100,00 CHF
Nathalie Sausgruber 500,00 CHF
Doris Lehmann 50,00 CHF
Denise Hauenstein 483,00 CHF
Priska Aeschlimann 100,00 CHF
Susanna + Beat Herger + Schöpfer 500,00 CHF
Doris Schuler 30,00 CHF
Andrea Schmid-Hübscher 50,00 CHF
Dimitri Isler 100,00 CHF
Sabrina Suter 100,00 CHF
Claudine Meier 100,00 CHF
Patrick Meier 200,00 CHF
Ex pat Mums Zug 250,00 CHF
Myriam und Bruno Mathis 150,00 CHF
Caroline von Schulthess 300,00 CHF
Reto Gut 100,00 CHF
Giangi Galeazzi 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Caroline und Urs Biel Koffel 500,00 CHF
Struzzi 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 10,00 CHF
Mischa Gasser 50,00 CHF
Nadja Fuhrer 50,00 CHF
Andrea Bättig 100,00 CHF
Anne Albinus 200,00 CHF
Andrea Messerli 50,00 CHF
Deidra Dionne 200,00 CHF
Catrine Lavallee 36,70 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Daniela Jenni 100,00 CHF
Sandra Rast 100,00 CHF
Ari Kananen 50,00 CHF
Hansruedi Pfister 500,00 CHF
Florian Dober 100,00 CHF
Magdalena Bonecket 200,00 CHF
pascal galeazzi 100,00 CHF
Jasmin Camenzind 50,00 CHF
Monika Nipp 100,00 CHF
Yael Stocker 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Karin Arnold 300,00 CHF
Adrian Mast 50,00 CHF
Jacqueline Beltrami 50,00 CHF
Luana 50,00 CHF
Ivo Inderbitzin 100,00 CHF
Corinne Jud 50,00 CHF
Matthias Kost 50,00 CHF
Gery Schär 100,00 CHF
Familie Saenz 50,00 CHF
Daniel Walliser 100,00 CHF
Trinkler Martin 100,00 CHF
Stefan Bischof 100,00 CHF
claudia wartmann 50,00 CHF
Benjamin Odermatt 50,00 CHF
Natalia Khmara 50,00 CHF
Oli Isoz 100,00 CHF
Melanie Zahnd 20,00 CHF
Nadia Ravljen 100,00 CHF
Michèle Bruhin 100,00 CHF
Manuela Schneebeli 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Evelyne Mani 50,00 CHF
Markus Schönbächler 100,00 CHF
Sophie Bruder 100,00 CHF
Markus Imgrüt 50,00 CHF
Rahel Schelb 50,00 CHF
Lara Poltera 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Ilias Läber 1'000,00 CHF
Sina Grossmann 100,00 CHF
Matthias Erb 100,00 CHF
Christoph PERRETEN 500,00 CHF
Simona Waldispühl 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 30,00 CHF
Andrea Chvojka 100,00 CHF
Fabian Suter 150,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Patrik Romang 50,00 CHF
Alexandra Frischknecht 100,00 CHF
Nicole Küttel 200,00 CHF
Lukas Zippert 50,00 CHF
Cornelia Stegmann 50,00 CHF
Barbara Krebs 50,00 CHF
Christian Kaufmann 100,00 CHF
Celine Korzepa 100,00 CHF
Steff Brütsch 100,00 CHF
Dario Bianchi 500,00 CHF
Isabel Rigoni 100,00 CHF
Ingrid Naef 100,00 CHF
Thomas Eichhorn 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Nadine Liburni 100,00 CHF
Bruno Heinzer 300,00 CHF
Verena Praxmarer 100,00 CHF
Sonya Süess 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Oliver Büchi 150,00 CHF
Ursi Albin 100,00 CHF
Daniela Lovaglio 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Lukas Lysser 50,00 CHF
Lilo Weiss 100,00 CHF
Sarah Angst 50,00 CHF
Nicolas Gygax 50,00 CHF
Barbara Bianchi 500,00 CHF
Irene Coradi 50,00 CHF
Seraina Perl 50,00 CHF
Janina Bietenholz 100,00 CHF
Junko Bigler 100,00 CHF
Maria Grau 100,00 CHF
Nadine Knecht 50,00 CHF
Markus Bigler 100,00 CHF
Gianluca Oswald 50,00 CHF
Barbara Höhn 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Pascal Schumacher 100,00 CHF
Patricia Di Paolo 200,00 CHF
Bettina Gibel 50,00 CHF
Esther Marty 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Viviane Scherler 100,00 CHF
Hansi Schacher 100,00 CHF
Lisa 50,00 CHF
Pirmin Werner 150,00 CHF
Dean Shirley 100,00 CHF
Sabrina Späti 100,00 CHF
Loriana Simioni 20,00 CHF
Roland Schuler 100,00 CHF
Daniela und Urs Rüegg 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Antonella Urech 100,00 CHF
Markus Tschan 100,00 CHF
Bea Knetemann 30,00 CHF
Irene Meier 100,00 CHF
Sandra Hürlimann Jurt 100,00 CHF
Dominique Lambert 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Mario Curschellas 150,00 CHF
Miriam Mettier 200,00 CHF
Isabella Gut 50,00 CHF
Verena Gonseth 500,00 CHF
Andrea Hutmacher 100,00 CHF
Im Gedenken an Laurin Müller, 17j.,gest.8.2.22 200,00 CHF
Francine & Reto Renggli 200,00 CHF
Rouven Riggenbach 100,00 CHF
Stefan Cautillo 100,00 CHF
Anita Bättig 250,00 CHF
Franziska van den Berg 50,00 CHF
Sandra De Luigi 500,00 CHF
Cornelia Küng 100,00 CHF
Claudia Wiehl 200,00 CHF
brigitte breu 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Claudia Bütler 400,00 CHF
Christine Gajdos 50,00 CHF
Nadja meyer 50,00 CHF
Bea Borrelli 500,00 CHF
Jakob Berther 100,00 CHF
Viviane Oechslin-Hottinger 100,00 CHF
Ashok Kumar Sen Gupta 200,00 CHF
Silvana Külling 50,00 CHF
André von Allmen 100,00 CHF
Judith Müller 50,00 CHF
Helene Kantioler 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Bernhard Schneider 50,00 CHF
@kigaframa 100,00 CHF
Nils Gut 50,00 CHF
Willi Schumacher 100,00 CHF
Schmucki Spenglerei GmbH 100,00 CHF
Manuel Stutz 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Pierre Berchtold 500,00 CHF
Daniel Hunziker 100,00 CHF
Dianne Ainsworth 50,00 CHF
Lennart Christen 60,00 CHF
Simone Jörg 50,00 CHF
Barbara Brüniger 200,00 CHF
Vanessa 40,00 CHF
Sophie Bissig 500,00 CHF
Sasha Mattl-Isoz 100,00 CHF
Svenja Gut 50,00 CHF
Corinne Bär 100,00 CHF
Silja Traber 100,00 CHF
Giuseppe Galati 100,00 CHF
Chicorée Mode AG 5'000,00 CHF
Anna Maria Vegliante 100,00 CHF
Christine Matter 100,00 CHF
Claudia Gut 100,00 CHF
Riki Dunker 15,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Sandra Hässig 50,00 CHF
Svenja Stolz 30,00 CHF
Beatrice Arnold 100,00 CHF
Judith Felber 200,00 CHF
David Kurz 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Adrian Truninger 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Heinz Schmid 200,00 CHF
Karin Huser 50,00 CHF
Jasmin Sennhauser 100,00 CHF
EKM Mediaberatung GmbH 500,00 CHF
Daniela Hug-Berther 100,00 CHF
Dominique ruckstuhl 100,00 CHF
Dani LACKNER 500,00 CHF
Sandra Kehrli 80,00 CHF
Henri Rohner 500,00 CHF
Fredy Winkler 200,00 CHF
Thomas Muheim 50,00 CHF
Oliver und Sabine Weisbrod 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Colette Roth 100,00 CHF
Karin Wallner 50,00 CHF
Yvonne Richner 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Jean Gut 100,00 CHF
Yvonne Lüthi 50,00 CHF
Fabian Zurfluh 100,00 CHF
Bau4you AG 500,00 CHF
Dominik Pfefferli 100,00 CHF
Neli&Chrigi&Nina Bertschinger 500,00 CHF
Manuela Schönbächler 300,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Emma Weiss 250,00 CHF
Gerry Egger 100,00 CHF
Isabelle Hurter 100,00 CHF
Reto Meuter 250,00 CHF
Yllka Latifi 100,00 CHF
Vivienne 50,00 CHF
Daniel Huber 50,00 CHF
Markus Stalder 250,00 CHF
Alexandra Bär 50,00 CHF
Jonas Roth 100,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Tina Inglin 100,00 CHF
Bernhard Fuchs 1'000,00 CHF
Michèle Wolfisberg 100,00 CHF
Franc Simoni 100,00 CHF
Patrik Kurz 1'000,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 100,00 CHF
Urs Spörri 100,00 CHF
Margrit Kurz 100,00 CHF
Rolf Beck 50,00 CHF
Sabrina Schmid 100,00 CHF
Kerstin Landolt 100,00 CHF
Livia Schneider 100,00 CHF
Roger Grolimund 50,00 CHF
Noé Roth 100,00 CHF
Müller.Bucher AG 500,00 CHF
Laura Peel 150,00 CHF
Peter Thöle 100,00 CHF
Seraina Mohr 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Gabi Ash 50,00 CHF
Nadia Trachsel 200,00 CHF
David Kurz 100,00 CHF
Fabian Metz 250,00 CHF
Christophe Kalbermatten 500,00 CHF
simon curti 200,00 CHF
Edwin Ehrenbaum 300,00 CHF
Mara Kratter 100,00 CHF
Christopher Lambert 100,00 CHF
Barbara Novak 250,00 CHF
Simone Ochsner 100,00 CHF
Lydia Lassilq 100,00 CHF
Sylvia Lörcher 500,00 CHF
Pirmin Werner 100,00 CHF
Meri Torniainen 100,00 CHF
Marco Juen 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 200,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Philip Schoch 100,00 CHF
Andreas Fischer 100,00 CHF
André Kälin 50,00 CHF
Katja Leuthold 100,00 CHF
Miro Foitek 50,00 CHF
Lisanne Kuhn 100,00 CHF
Swiss Protection Services Group LLC 100,00 CHF
Marcel Brunner 50,00 CHF
Anonymous 50,00 CHF
Elektro Fässler 500,00 CHF
Dominic Haab 500,00 CHF
Verena Hitz 100,00 CHF
Linda Franz 100,00 CHF
Martin Haab 1'000,00 CHF
Thomas Lambert 500,00 CHF
Christian Hächler 100,00 CHF
Andrea Brönnimann 200,00 CHF
Thomas Waltenspuehl 100,00 CHF
Front Face 100,00 CHF
Christian Gimpel 100,00 CHF
Dominic Baumann 100,00 CHF
Pascal Beucher 50,00 CHF
Natasha Räber 50,00 CHF
caro Zürrer Werren 100,00 CHF
Reto Schürmann 100,00 CHF
Iris & Robert Garbade 500,00 CHF
Anonymous 160,00 CHF
Desiree Green 165,00 CHF
Anonymous 20,00 CHF
Vermittelt durch Swisscom 230,00 CHF
Currently, there are still no project partners if you are interested, please contact us via

Primary Partners